Notes: Conference call 1-8-10

Vendor subgroup minutes


Foster Zhang, JHU
Dean Woodbeck, Internet2
Dave Kennedy, Duke
Ann West, Internet2


  • updates and announcements
  • sending vendor invitations - divide and assign

Action Items

[Zhang] advertise webinar on ezproxy list

[Woodbeck] Follow up with Steve and Adam for other possible places to advertise

[West] provide some vendor perspective on how to best get vendor attention

[Kennedy] slides to Dean for webinar

[Kennedy] document process on wiki


Updates and announcements:

Ann has a meeting with ACS and wil try to strategize on how best to get vendor attention

Kennedy been following up with survey respondents.  Has shared contact letter/email.  Will start sending emails by Jan 15th.

Vendor invitations:

discussed process.  Form letter is on wiki.  Need to coordinate with lead institutions, divide up vendors, and document process, at least through sponsorship

Discussed logistics of next week's webinar and also  pssible venues for advertising it.

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