November 20, 2013
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- Updates on EduGain, etc
- Interesting things coming out of InCommon
- Regional federations
Attending: Ian Young, I.J. Kim, Tom Scavo, Paul Caskey, Warren Anderson, John Krienke, Steven Carmodie,
- Code of Conduct Entity Category - Tom summarizes that this is a hot topic and that there is a lot of debate on this front. There seem to be a number of documents and a moving target. Tom's opinion is that there needs to be a definitive draft as to what CoC is. John thinks this is perhaps a second order effect, and we should be more interested in the policy framework first. Warren wonders if there should be some place to collect the various documents for inspection. John thinks it might be worth working through the policy framework documents, wants to tie documents to deliverables. Ian thinks it is a good idea to separate code of conduct from
- No one jumps in on interesting things coming out of InCommon.
- Steven points out that the UCTrust also a working model led by David Walker, MCNC not the first. CCC is a different case, subfederation might be needed. John asks if there are artifacts from the meetings a year ago. Quilt pilots exploring lots of different models. John thinks we might be able to assemble some material if that's useful.
- Weekly? Yes, for the time being. Next meeting Dec. 4, John will report on eduGain policy framework.