Proposed Charter: Interfederation Subcommittee of the InCommon Technical Advisory Committee


"Interfederation Subcommittee of the InCommon Technical Advisory Committee" (or "Interfed Subcommittee" for short)



Group Leader (Chair)

Warren Anderson (LIGO) <>, Paul Caskey (UT System) <>


The mission of the InCommon TAC Interfederation Subcommittee (hereafter: “the subcommittee”) is to promote and pursue interfederation between the InCommon Federation and other SAML federations via a community-based process. The subcommittee makes recommendations to the InCommon Technical Advisory Committee, and members of the subcommittee interact with members and operators of other SAML federations to draft agreements and common practices. REFEDS ( is the preferred forum for cross-federation discussions, and InCommon-specific discussions take place on the subcommittee mailing list and on subcommittee phone calls. The subcommittee does not make agreements on behalf of InCommon or represent InCommon in any official capacity. Both policy and technical aspects of interfederation are in scope for the subcommittee.


Membership in the subcommittee is open to all interested parties. Members join the subcommittee by joining the mailing list, phone calls, and otherwise participating actively in the work of the subcommittee.

The chair of the subcommittee is appointed by the InCommon TAC and is responsible for keeping the TAC informed regarding subcommittee status.


  1. According to previous subcommittee recommendations, work with InCommon Ops/Steering/TAC to:
    1. Establish international interfederation agreements with eduGAIN and UK federation.
      • Subcommittee: Pilot projects. Initial review of agreements. 
      • Ops: Review agreements.
      • Legal: Review agreements.
      • TAC: Approve agreements.
      • Steering: Approve agreements.
    2. Document trust practices and policies for entity registration and publishing.
      • Subcommittee: Review documented policies/practices, provide recommendations. 
      • Ops: Document current policies/practices. 
      • TAC: Approve any policy/practice changes.
      • Steering: Approve any significant policy/practice changes.
    3. Review and adopt the US-EU Code of Conduct to address privacy and attribute release.
      • Subcommittee: Review agreements.
      • Ops: Review agreements. Support self-asserted CoC attribute in metadata.
      • Legal: Review agreements.
      • TAC: Approve agreements.
      • Steering: Approve agreements.
    4. Review and assist in the implementation of  improvements and new capabilities for metadata management/publication/aggregation/tagging.
      • Subcommittee: Recommendations. Pilot projects. 
      • Ops: Implement recommended metadata changes.
      • TAC: Approve metadata changes.
    5. Establish practices and policies for domestic interfederation.
      • Subcommittee: Identify use cases, such as those from the regional R&E network providers. Pilot projects.
  2. Work summary to TAC at end of work.

Work Product

Expected End Date

The subcommittee is expected to complete all deliverables and either close or recharter by March 31, 2013.

Required Resources


Reference Material

  1. REFEDS pages on Data Protection Code of Conduct
  2. DLA Piper Memorandum on Data Protection Code of Conduct
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