About the eAC
The eduroam-US Advisory Committee (“eAC”) is intended to be an advisory body to the Internet2 Community Architecture Committee for Trust and Identity (CACTI). Its role is to help formulate strategies and practices for US and global research and education roaming networks, report any findings, and make recommendations to CACTI and Internet2, the eduroam-US operator
Duties of the eAC:
- Stay informed on relevant activities by engaging with members of the connector community (e.g., campuses, organizations, researchers, and Sponsored Partners), other Internet2 Trust and Identity advisory groups (e.g., InCommon Federation TAC, CACTI), community groups/programs, global research and education (R&E) eduroam operators including National Roaming Operators (NROs), and subject matter experts across R&E and other sectors. The committee may also communicate requests and recommendations to Internet2’s representatives on the Global eduroam GovernanceCommittee
- Engage with the community and create opportunities for the larger connector community to identify significant issues that affect the medium-to-long-term viability of the eduroam-US service.
- Charter, facilitate, and participate in community-focused working groups made up of eduroam-US and other global R&E eduroam connectors to address the issues identified above. These working groups are expected to publish recommendations and requirements based on their findings, after review by CACTI and/or Internet2 staff.
- Review, make recommendations on, and notify CACTI and Internet2 staff about changes needed to governance documents and other programmatic aspects of the service.
- Review community satisfaction with the eduroam US service and use this information asa basis for developing eAC work plans