Friday December 2nd, 11am-12:30pm ET
Jeff Egly
Amel Caldwell
Mike Dickson
Michael Hacker
Neil Johnson
Sara Jeanes
Romy Bolton
Mike Zawacki
Steve Zoppi
Kim Owen
Jeremy Livingston
- Intellectual Property Reminder - All Internet2 activities are governed by the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework
- Public Content Notice - eAC minutes are public documents. Please let the eAC and note taker know if you plan to discuss something of a sensitive nature.
- Agenda bash
- Slope report as standing agenda item? :) +!
- Approval of last meeting’s minutes
- Mike Dickson, Michael Hacker approve
- Review of new committee members (Mike)
- Discuss next steps, timeline for CACTI’s vote to accept
- Chair and/or vice-chair email slate to CACTI Chair (Rob Carter) before next CACTI meeting (12/8)
- AI: MikeZ to email slate to Rob Carter (DONE)
- Update on letter to GEANT re: problematic SP (Jeff, Brett, Mike)
- Closing the loop - Rob helped craft language, Jeff sent to GEANT staff
- Paul Dekkers replied, thanked Jeff for the input, will discuss with GEANT staff.
- Paul will be at TechEx, may be opportunity to check in
- SO Update (Jeff, Brett, Mike)
- Jeff: UETN has finished new marketing materials, GEANT has signed off on them. Will continue to focus on SP deployments. Retooling approach to student deployments, encouraging use
- Mike: Network Nebraska is also focusing on marketing and promotional materials. Have been working on presentations for conferences as well - TechEx and CoSN. Continuing to work with local ISP Allo on public deployments. SCN has been
- Review of work priorities (Jeff)
- Topics to present to new committee members as possible work priorities for 2023 (Jeff, Brett, Rob)
- Refresh of the Best Practices Guide
- OpenRoaming update, discussion (Rob)
- Include industry SME?
- Have GEANT representation as well
- Identify
- Radextra/RADIUS working group (Margaret Cullen could present)
- Consider hosted services, gauge community needs
- IdPaaS
- RADIUS as a service
- Revisit Guest Access service
- Further work on User/Device Onboarding
- Others?
- How to better serve the SOs
- Brett: Within this list is enough to keep us busy for a year, but would encourage this committee to determine if there are gaps or if there are items in there which don’t belong. Especially as we bring on new members
- Update on public comment for User/Device Onboarding requirements feedback
- Ready to make public?
- Brett: In favor of making it available. Maybe present/mention at the BoF at TechEx?
- MikeZ: Can share it out on the eduroam admin list and on next State/Regional eduroam call
- Remaining meetings
- Friday, 12/23
- Change to earlier in the week? Or is the 23rd good for the majority of committee?
- MikeD: I could stand to have the meeting earlier
- Jeff: Same here
- MikeZ: I’ll send out scheduling poll to select next time
- AOB?