Planned Next Step (from August 2012)


Penn State to deploy CPR and Rutger’s to deploy Open Registry in production


Penn State to make CPR code base available under open source license


Open Registry code base and governance structure ready for community input.  Migrate OR out of “incubation” to full project status

In Progress

ID Match

  • SOR > Registry Integration
  • Define standard registry interfaces so that over time, Open Registry and CPR can support them, and campuses can readily integrate with one or the other
  • Done. Chose Oyster Libraries from Univ or Arkansas
  • Make decision to build new ID match engine or build functionality (including admin UI) against existing open source ID Match tool

Done. Chose Oyster Libraries from Univ or Arkansas

  • Build dev ID match tool, integrating with common SORs -- UCB and Kuali have resources to commit to this in the near term

In progress.  Kuali resource was re-assigned :-(. But Venu Alla of UCB has been building test ID Match tool against Oyster libraries.  See ID Match Engine.

  • SOR > Registry Integration

In progress.  Benn Oshrin and Eric Westfall, among others, have held a series of conversations to develop proposed APIs for SOR > Registry integrations and for the ID Match Engine.  See SOR to Registry API (old)

  • Define standard registry interfaces so that over time, Open Registry and CPR can support them, and campuses can readily integrate with one or the other

In progress. See line above.

Next Steps

  • Raise awareness about the work being done: Internet 2 presentation, announcement to Educause IDM listserv
  • Build more community around ID Match Engine, CPR and Open Registry
  • Complete test ID Match Engine
  • API development:
    • get input from broader community on API development work already done, and made appropriate adjustments
    • Have key developers from CPR and OR in particular review and comment on API work
    • Have key developers from CPR and OR talk about Registry interfaces together
  • Formalize workstream effort
    • Recruit new resources - we have developer time, we need some PM/BA time for overall registry workstream efforts and for project work within each Registry solution
    • Develop more formal roadmap and track progress
  • Prepare for adoption at another campus or two
  • No labels