Conference Call Info: Video Bridge 22102
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Who |
With |
Attended |
Benn Oshrin |
Internet2 / Various |
Eric Westfall |
Indiana U / Kuali |
Jeremy Rosenberg |
Jessica Coltrin |
U of Arizona / Kuali |
Jimmy Vuccolo |
Renee Shuey |
RL "Bob" Morgan |
U. Washington / Internet2 |
Steven Carmody |
Brown |
Matt Sargent |
Indiana U / Kuali |
- Introductions/Roll Call
- All - Any Updates?
- Project Proposal - Eric/Jessica/Renee/Matt
- Draft Proposal - Eric/Jessica
- Timeline and Estimates Work - Renee/Matt
- Strategy Group Updates - Bob
Benn - seems like we are going toward "if we build it, they will come" am i just hearing that or not?
Bob - i've heard Bill say that UofA is very anxious to have registry matching work done obviously UC is sitting there with a bunch of requirements as well interest from UW on investing
Benn - one question we will have, how does berkeley engage in this effort in order to ensure their needs are met
Benn - it's better if we have the first target customer on day 1
Bob - i would rather see berkely get involved with those of us here in this group
Benn - i'm afraid there's the possibility for an opportunity missed not due to lack of communication but rather along the lines of intent want to make sure that miss doesn't happen
Bob - i'll commit to pressing on getting Deidra's folks on the registry call
Benn - the scenario I'm thinking about is that berkeley and sf go off and do their analysis and come up with plan a and we end up with plan b
Eric - talked with Ken at Educause at community source reception, about getting the "names" of people in attendence, these are the people that might be interested
Bob - possibly could look toward InCommon as a body that might "fund" such initiatives if we can tie benefits to the cloud
Benn - UC group will be talking about identity match, would be good to bring that discussion back to this group as soon as possible
Action Items
follow up with berkely on getting them involved in this group
strategy group will follow up on this
follow up with UofA and bill on seeing if we can get them at the table as well?
if Arizona is in that state, great
if USC is in that state, we could get them involved as well
should socialize with other groups, show them requirements, request that they provide input
bob will continue to do work on the reference architecture