
Identity as a Service is a strategy an institution may adopt to outsource all or nearly all of their identity management system, including the IdP. While this is likely to be a viable strategy for many institutions, it is out of scope for the Alternative IdPs Working Group, as it encompasses much more than just the IdP.  In fact, any of the IdP strategies explored by the group can, potentially, be used as part of an Identity as a Service deployment.

Fact Finder

David Walker

Example Deployments

Support for the Recommended Technical Basics for IdPs, including the ability to consume metadata

Support for Attribute Release

Support for Entity Attributes/categories (e.g., R&S)

Support for Multiple Authentication Contexts for Multi-Factor Authentication and Assurance

Support for ECP (Enhanced Client or Proxy)

Support for User Consent

Expertise Required

Resources Required

Upkeep and Feeding Required

Applicable Environments

Pros / Benefits

Cons / Risks

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