Assessment Criteria for Alternative IdP Strategies

Implementation Criteria

  1. Supports automated metadata refresh
    1. verifies metadata signed with a SHA-2 digest algorithm
    2. supports HTTP Conditional GET
  2. Supports dynamic per-entity metadata refresh
    1. verifies metadata signed with a SHA-2 digest algorithm
    2. supports the Metadata Query Protocol
  3. Supports user consent
    1. exposes the content of <mdui:UIInfo> child elements on the consent page
  4. Supports the SHA-2 family of digest algorithms
    1. signs assertions using either SHA-1 or SHA-2 digest algorithm on a per-SP basis
  5. Supports <md:RequestedAttribute> elements in SP metadata
    1. incorporates the content of <md:RequestedAttribute> elements into attribute release policy
  6. Supports MDUI extension elements in SP metadata
    1. exposes the content of <mdui:UIInfo> child elements on the login page
  7. Supports MDRPI extension elements in SP metadata
    1. incorporates the content of <mdrpi:RegistrationInfo> extension elements into attribute release policy
  8. Supports MDATTR extension elements in SP metadata
    1. incorporates the content of <mdattr:EntityAttributes> extension elements into attribute release policy
  9. Supports SAML RequestedAuthnContext in AuthnRequest messages
  10. Supports the SAML Enhanced Client-Proxy (ECP) profile

Deployment Criteria


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