This page is a work in progress. It in intended to capture some of the standard practices/configurations between the Trusted Access Platform Containers as well as differences between them.

Shib IDPGrouperCOmanageShib SPMidpointNotes
Logging goes to stdout(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
User container start asrootrootrootrootrootthere have been requests, mostly by OpenShift users to change this behavior. investigation is underway
shibd user has specific UID/GIDN/Anono??If the shibd UID/GID are set to specific numeric values then deployers will know what to expect across components.
httpd user has specific UID/GIDN/Anono??If the httpd UID/GID are set to specific numeric values then deployers will know what to expect across components.
tomcat user has specific UID/GIDN/Anono??If the tomcat UID/GID are set to specific numeric values then deployers will know what to expect across components.
javacorretto 11 jdk?corretto 8 jdkNAcorretto 8 jdk?corretto 11 jdkShould we switch openjdk JRE instead to minimize a bit?  (in Grouper tomcat should be able to compile JSPs)
how to set java memory

has slashRoot

supervisor, apache, shibd, tomcat ,(hsql in quickstart)supervisor, apache, shibd

if multiple processes, can toggle
yes, pass in env vars or command to run

InCommon CA Certs included in Java keystore

Supports _FILE convention for environment variables(tick)


(tick)??The environment variable FOO_FILE with value /path results in environment variable FOO having contents of /path.  Grouper does this for certain things in v2.5.26+, is it supposed to be generic?
DocumentationGoogle DocConfluenceGitHub Markdown?Confluence
Installer / quickstart
Quickstart container
Command line installer

Integrated Demo (Grouper, mP, Shib...)

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