
This is the public home for the ServiceNow Accessibility Working Group.  The charge of this group is to collaborate with ServiceNow on making the ServiceNow platform and services more accessible for our community usage.  We understand that years ago, the risk profile was smaller when the platform was only being used within the Information Technology department.  However, now that the platform is much wider and incorporates other audiences for interaction outside of IT, (such as CSM, HR, etc.) the risk profile is now much larger.  As such, the Internet2/ServiceNow community is interested in working cooperatively with ServiceNow to identify and resolve accessibility issues within the platform and services on an ongoing basis.

Collaboration Contacts

Group Chair(s): Currently Vacant

Internet2 Liaison(s): Matthew Buss


Collaboration Meetings:

Collaboration Email List:

Next Meeting (Agendas)

Date: Thursday, August 24, 2023

Agenda:  August Agenda

Additional Collateral

This page is used to house presentations, recordings, and other documentation used by this group.

Collaborating Institutions (Open)

Collaboration is open to all high education members AND non-members alike.  You do not need to be a member of Internet2 to be a part of this collaboration.

  • American University
  • Gallaudet University
  • Northern Arizona University
  • Ohio State University
  • Princeton University
  • University of California, Davis
  • University of Maryland
  • University of Washington
  • Yale University

 Others Collaborating

  • ServiceNow Accessibility Team
  • Internet2
  • No labels