*** Read the Pilot Summary, Aug. 2015 (.pdf) ****
Pilot target constituents: Initial population of one Wisconsin Technical College and one k12 school district.
Pilot Scope: (2 IdPs / a WI Technical College and a small WI K12 school district)
Initial Pilot Goals: Interfederate a technical college and a K12 school district for high school students taking dual credit and/or advanced standing courses at at the technical college.
Targeted start and end dates for initial pilot: The date for the technical implementation is October 15th. The pilot implementation will be used with a small group of students that have CVTC coursework as a component of their High School education through May 15th, 2014. After May 2014 a review with next steps for the pilot will be performed.
Post-pilot longer term goals: Use as a communication vehicle, look for additional use cases in the initial pilot group, possibly expanding to more K12s in the area they serve.
Federation model selected for project: Interfederation of ADFS
InCommon Affiliate assistance/role in pilot: N/A
Targeted applications or cloud services: (Canvas, InBloom, internal, etc.): WiFi, Filesystem and LMS access.