Below is the template to use for Pilot Summaries.
Please mail your summary to the list at <> by Wednesday, July 15, 2015.
Pilot Summary Template
Pilot description
- Target constituents and scope
- Initial goal
- Post pilot longer term goals
- Federation model selected
- Targeted applications or services
- InCommon Affiliate assistance/role in pilot if applicable
- Challenges encountered and how were they addressed
- What did you spent or expect to spend?
- Successes/Benefits
- Overview of successes/benefits
- Number of students/instructors benefiting from the pilot (please break out by level if applicable (K12 students/instructors versus community college students/instructors)
- Include a "before and after" story or scenario if possible
Moving Forward
- Lessons learned and recommendations to others
- Plans for scaling beyond current scope
- Next Steps
- New challenges expected in moving forward
- Other thoughts/reflections you would like to add