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This document contains DRAFT material intended for discussion and comment by the InCommon participant community.  Comments and questions should be sent to the InCommon participants mailing list.

Use of SAML1 in the InCommon Federation

The use of SAML1 is deprecated!

As of November 12, 2015, the use of SAML1 protocols in the InCommon Federation is deprecated.

The following procedures involving SAML1 either are or will be implemented:

  1. Deprecate SAML1-format <md:RequestedAttribute> elements in SP metadata
    1. New <md:RequestedAttribute> elements in SP metadata will be formatted as SAML2 attributes only
    2. Existing SAML1-format <md:RequestedAttribute> elements in SP metadata will be removed whenever the SP owner submits an update request
    3. Existing SAML1-format <md:RequestedAttribute> elements in SP metadata will be removed whenever the SP owner opts into metadata export (since exported metadata is submitted to the RA for approval)
  2. SPs that opt into metadata export are advised to drop support for SAML1

  3. IdPs that don't opt out of metadata export are advised to drop support for SAML1
  4. SAML1-only entities will not be exported
  5. SAML1-only entities will not be imported
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