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Note that this page has been deprecated. The information it contains is no longer current.

This is an ad hoc report on error handling URLs in InCommon metadata. This report was compiled on October 11, 2012.

Number of IdPs: 265
Number of IdPs with NO errorURL in metadata: 172 (65%)
Number of IdPs with an errorURL in metadata: 93 (35%)

Number of errorURLs probed unsuccessfully: 3
Number of errorURLs probed successfully: 90

Distribution of HTTP responses:

# of errorURLs

HTTP response











Anything other than an HTTP 200 response code is considered broken.

If your IdP does not expose an errorURL in metadata, please add one. If your errorURL in metadata is broken, please fix it.

A complete list of error handling URLs in metadata is attached to this wiki page. Every IdP in the Federation is included in this list. If a line in the file begins with NULL, that IdP does not have an errorURL in metadata. If the result code at the beginning of the line is nonzero, the probe for that errorURL failed. Otherwise the HTTP response code from the probed web server is listed.

  File Modified
Text File all-error-urls-in-metadata.txt Sorted list of errorURLs in metadata Oct 12, 2012 by

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