Attending:  Ann West, Marc Wallman, Brad Christ, Dave Robinson, Jim Stewart, Christine Miki, Rachana Ananthakrishnan, Kristi Holmes, Kim Milford,

With:  Kevin Morooney, Elaine Alejo, Steve Zoppi, Sara Jeanes, John Krienke, Keith Wessel, Romy Bolton, Albert Wu, David Bantz, Margaret Cullen

Regrets: Bernard Gulachek, Ashrab Ahmed,


  1.  Certificate fee annual increase
    1. Reference material
    2. Presentation
  2. Committee recruiting


Certificate fee annual increase: John Krienke went through his slide deck with a discussion on Operating cost increase and considerations. There was a discussion on recommendations and limits on our service fees, anything larger than 4% would require Steering approval.

Christine shared their language incorporated in their agreements "Each Renewal Term is subject to an increase based on prior year CPI, not to exceed 3%."

There was a vote taken on fee increase

Vote: Fee increase 

September 9th Resolution:  Increase InCommon cert service fees 10% starting on April 2, 2025, and to increase these annually by an amount to be determined in a future vote- Approved by Steering

October Resolution: Starting Jan of 2026 and continuing into the foreseeable future, InCommon Certificate service fees will increase on the anniversary date of each Subscriber

  - Effective every January first

  - Guided by the 12 months Trimmed/Mean PCE inflation value and 

  - Not to exceed 4% and that would apply to all fee tiers 

Proposals to increase fees more than 4% will require Steering approval.          

Steering will be notified of all annual fee increases.

Vote: outcome will be carried to the November Board meeting

Motion made by Dave Robinson, seconded by Christine Miki

Unanimously passed with no objections

No one abstained 

New committee members- Kevin reviewed where we stand currently

Meeting adjourned 

Next meeting :  Nov 04 , 2024

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