Attending: Ann West, David Robinson, Christine Miki, Brad Christ, Marc Wallman, Margaret Cullen, Kristi Holmes, Bernard Gulachek, Chris Misra, Rachana Anathakrishnan, Ashrab Ahmed, Jim Stewart

Regrets:  Kim Milford

With:  Kevin Morooney, Elaine Alejo, Steve Zoppi, Sam (SecondMuse), Romy Bolton, Neisan Massarrat (SecondMuse), David Bantz, 

Reference Documents Shared:

  1. 5 Strategic Activities [18-month

  2. Futures2 Strategy Report 

  3. Theory of Change reference template

  4. Performance Measurement Framework reference template


  1. Revisit the five strategic activities and their associated target 18-month outcomes.

  2. Within these five work streams, generate outputs, activities, a top-line indicator, and additional metrics that will support the target outcome.


SecondMuse joined to facilitate a short workshop .

Purpose: This workshop will support the development of a Theory of Change and Performance Measurement Framework for InCommon. In this process, we will be leveraging the Futures2 report to build an actionable and measurable roadmap toward achieving our strategic objectives.

Meeting adjourned 

Next meeting : July, 1  2024

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