Attending: Christine Miki, Dave Robinson, Ann West, Marc Wallman, Chris Misra, Jim Stewart, Brad Christ, Bernard Gulachek, Ashrab Ahmed, Kristi Holmes,
With: Elaine Alejo, Kevin Morooney, Steve Zoppi, Albert Wu, David Bantz, Keith Wessel (late)
- BaseCAMP report out with 49% response rate on the post event survey
- 124 attendees, over 80 contributors
- After six years of doing BaseCAMP, attendee levels and community contribution to execution remain high
- 45% self report having 0-3 years of IAM experience
- We're hitting the desired demographic, newbies to the field/market segment
- Another 10% report 4-7 years experience which is also a good group to introduce to InCommon
- 87% said the event hit the marks
- The organizers and presenters put a lot of time into the event, it paid off in terms of quality
- 47% indicate they met someone new
- The value of community can be measured by the number of connections within it.
- 87% would definitely recommend to a friend
- Could bode well for recruitment for next year's BaseCAMP, CAMP/ACAMP, component training
- 4.3/5.0 rating overall
- We asked, "To help us reach the right audiences and share the spirit of the event,how would you describe the value of this event in 3 sentences or less?"
- 124 attendees, over 80 contributors
- TNC highlights
- Albert Wu reviewed his presentation that he gave at REFEDS
- Certificate Service Update
- 11th hour (relative to signing a contract addendum) changes to our relationship with Sectigo may result in a need to increase Certificate Service fees. This is the current fee schedule.
- Quick roundup of Futures2 Activity Stream statuses , discussions around the following
- Messaging, branding, communication
- Engagement with IDEA
- Federal agency outreach
- Knowledge sharing
Was successful, attendee numbers were real good, diversity was good, number of people contributing was great,
0-3 yrs experience in IAM in Higher Ed
TNC is annual european conference by GEANT, They offer a cert service somewhat like ours. We did a lot of talking about certificate service
Talked to them about their work in portable identity across national boundaries.
Wallets was a big topic- putting the user in the middle, taking our current attribute problem instead it puts the information into a place where the individual can put it.
Things that our CAUTI group is looking at,
europeam side is much more active, wallet, refeds, community at edugain is becoming more aware of policies. Digital wallets has been driven by the european government
Cert Service:
12 yrs old, most popular service by subscription, 750 organizations subscribe to the service, 6 different fee levels. Range of fees from 2K-15K. We pay a fee to Sectigo to offer the service, they do the back end. Lots of details to still sort out. Good news we have a contract in place . Summary service continuity is preserved, costs are going up, will be an agenda item for the board in July, If we do a fee increase for subscribers
Messaging, branding, communication-discussion about basic values to insert in our communications, changes to logo underway, should be complete by mid July .
Engagement with IDEA- value working with them. Have been around for 20 years. Lead consortium group has met with us. Have met with the cabinet and have second muse working with us. Learning a lot from them.
Federal agency outreach- engaged Secondmuse to help with this, want to be more intentional and strategic in engaging other federal agencies. Involving NIH also.
Knowledge Sharing- every sub community describes things differently
Pull vision together- come up with a common style book, that describes the interactions between elements, a lot of icons that come from the old documentation, gives us the ability to take core contents and look at how they work in the federation. One standard set of formats. Then we can apply this to based on the findings
Depending on the artifact there are different ways, the catalog is being worked on with others on how we want those to be available. We can catalog the assets in a richer way and help people to find them. Trying to make everything as open as possible to everyone. And being able to solicit others
Meeting adjourned
Next meeting : Aug 5, 2024