Baseline Expectations V2 office hours
Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021
- Several community members
CTAB and Internet2 staff:
- David Bantz, U. Alaska
- Brett Beiber, U. Nebraska
- Andy Morgan, Oregon State U
- Eric Goodman, UCOP
- Albert Wu, Internet2
- Tom Barton, Internet2
- Richard Frovarp, North Dakota State U
- Do I need to worry about unpublished (offline) data for BEv2?
- Answer: no, you do not need to worry about that. InCommon only looks at published metadata
- Comment: Need info on the BEv2 requirements
- Brett provided a summary of BEv2 requirements, making reference to the wiki
- Issue: CIO gets the emails from InCommon, and we can't get into anything without going through the CIO
- Question: Can there be multiple users for InCommon ?
- Albert: InCommon federation allows two roles (InCommon Executive and Site Admins) and up to three individuals. Albert can help with providing more info on getting the roles straightened out.
- Two other organizations represented on the call also stated they need to update their InCommon roles/contacts info
- Question, what is the timeframe for BEv2?
- Answer: we hope all participants meet the BEv2 expectations by end of 2021, see wiki for a list of key dates
- Question: Are SPs we deal with outside of InCommon in scope?
- Answer: InCommon is looking at entities registered in InCommon; but BEv2 provide guidelines for good practice in all cases
- Question: How often is the adherence by organization wiki page refreshed?
- Answer: weekly on Mondays, with data from Friday
- Suggestion to add the info on when updated, to the page. Albert will do this
- Question: we got an email saying we are not meeting BEv2, how do I find out which requirements we are not meeting?
- Answer: Site Admin can see this on the dashboard
- Brett: the REFEDs Metadata Explorer tool can be helpful.
- Question: does InCommon provide help to organizations in meeting SIRTFI?
- TomB provided background on SIRTFI
- Tom and Brett mentioned the plans for SIRTFI tabletop exercises in the future
- Tom and Brett mentioned the plans for SIRTFI tabletop exercises in the future
- Comment: the secured endpoints requirement is a common sense security requirement. It's helpful to present it that way to management
- Question: Hope to become compliant with BE. Can I talk with someone one to one if needed?
- Answer: Yes, you can contact Albert
- Thanks to everyone who joined this call.