CTAB call Tuesday, March 9, 2021
- David Bantz, University of Alaska (chair)
- Pål Axelsson, SUNET
- Rachana Ananthakrishnan, Globus, University of Chicago
- Tom Barton, University Chicago and Internet2, ex-officio
- Ercan Elibol, Florida Polytechnic University
- Richard Frovarp, North Dakota State
- Eric Goodman, UCOP - InCommon TAC Representative to CTAB
- Meshna Koren, Elsevier
- John Pfeifer, University of Maryland
- Dave Robinson, Grinnell College in Iowa, InCommon Steering Rep, ex-officio
- Chris Whalen, Research Data and Communication Technologies
- Jule Ziegler, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
- Robert Zybeck, Portland Community College
- Johnny Lasker, Internet2
- Kevin Morooney, Internet2
- Albert Wu, Internet2
- Emily Eisbruch, Internet2
- Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska (vice chair)
- Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison
- Andy Morgan, Oregon State University
- Ann West, Internet2
Action Items
- AI - TomB will take issue of a standard to tell the SP what they can report back to IDP when abuse is detected to SIRTFI working group and report back to CTAB
- Intellectual Property reminder
Potential Gap in SIRTFI
- Meshna noted that it would be helpful to have a standard around what SP's can/should report back to the IDP when they detect abuse,
- when there is a security incident related to a credential
- to help the IDP find and handle the situation around the compromised credential.
- TomB: (chairs the REFEDs SIRTFI working group), yes this is likely a gap in SIRTFI.
- There is a handbook, not yet circulated, that will reference templates and other materials
- AI, Tom will take issue a standard to tell the SP what they can report back to IDP when abuse is detected to SIRTFI working group and report back to CTAB
Around the community
- Trust and Identity Operations Update
- Johnny is readying a release for tomorrow, with bug fixes
- Ruby upgrade for the Federation Manager
- Outreach around Baseline Expectations v2 will start this week
- Finalizing communications for BEv2
- Will do biweekly communications (to site admins first)
- Reports for baseline are in a google share drive
- Have not announced BEv2 yet; therefore the data is flat
- ShannonR is working on automation of testing TLS
- InCommon TAC updates
- InCommon TAC is finishing 2021 workplan development
- Forming a recommendation on what InCommon should do around the SAML deployment profile,
- https://docs.kantarainitiative.org/fi/rec-saml2-Deployment-profile-for-fedinterop.html
- Profile does not include pushing for subject ID adoption this year
- For CTAB next year, it may be relevant to look at whether the elements in the SAML deployment profile are useful for guidance around baseline
- Work with Google and privacy initiatives, looking at same site cookies on steroids
- Nicole Roy is participating, want to ensure we don't "break" SAML
- This is a serious issue, if Google left alone could have bad consequences
- There is a new InCommon TAC working group spinning up to look at issues around testing environments
- InCommon TAC is looking at the work of Seamless Access and also tracking CTAB’s work around assurance
- REFEDS Working Groups (Assurance WG; Baseline Expectations WG; R&S 2.0 WG )
- REFEDs Assurance WG
- There is a subgroup forming for topics related to MFA
- Jule will give presentation at next R&S v2.0 working group call on the eduperson assurance attribute
- REFEDs Assurance WG
- REFEDs Baseline Expectations WG
- Consultation closed, updates made, there is now a final draft
- Will be sent to REFEDs Steering Committee
- Then determine next steps
Assured Access Working Group Updates
- Assured Access Working Group is making good progress
- At last meeting, the working group
- discussed local enterprise, laid out proposed structure of draft report
- BE allows every InCommon participant operating in IDP to assert claim for wide swath of users
- Brett shared draft of recommendations, will be filled in during coming weeks
- Albert will likely work on creating a decision tree
Updates on NIH happenings
- Albert building a timeline around what’s happening at NIH around requirements
- Things are still shifting to some extent; some segments of NIH are still developing timeframe for logon requirements
- eRA is requiring MFA and R&S by Sept 15, 2021 by single sign-on or logon.gov
- Pubmed blog announces transition to federated credentials for 2021
- Albert creating a set of wiki pages
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lealFqLesBToPi96BV_fjLBYu6hw6Hs0gl7skY2cVu4/edit DO NOT SHARE IN PUBLIC NOTES
- Hope to provide a timeline sharing what we know
- InCommon office hours are scheduled for Wed. March 10 where we can being to answer questions the community may have
- Ann West sent email to schools with eRA grants, received a few responses
- There is potential confusion between what NIH announced as being required (MFA, R&S and identity assurance) and recent communication about requirements for eRA (MFA and R&S)
- Cooperation between InCommon and NIH has been going well in working out the requirements and steps needed.
Framing BEv3
- We are sort of in a race; researcher / researcher community wants richer/safer/easier ways to interact, or they’ll seek alternatives
- →we need to go fast
- Bringing along orgs not focused on research takes time
- →we need to go slow
- How do we balance?
- Want to be sure that InCommon scales to make it possible for institutions to have the resources/access they need
- Require Research and Scholarship Entity Category (R&S) in BEv3?
- There is value to including R&S in baseline expectations
- But we need to be careful not to make it too high a burden to be in the InCommon federation
- ChrisW: was very concerned about making the burden too high, when CTAB worked on BEv1
- But the number of organizations that dropped out of InCommon was very small. They were organizations that were not using InCommon federation anyhow
- BEv1 was relatively easy to comply with
- Including R&S in BE can challenge organizations’ technology choices
- There are other use cases besides research
- Some organizations join InCommon for commercial use cases
- Should we have baseline expectations plus, where requirements are set based on the nature of the collaboration?
- Comment: We should be careful in partitioning the federation
- When CTAB discusses R&S, common topics are:
- technology challenges, and IDP as a Service as potential mitigation for that, and
- attribute release and privacy issues
- Suggestion that CTAB do in depth look at potential mitigations, to address the issues that stall our discussions
- Reminder: InCommon TAC is implementing some of the recommendations of the IDP as a Service working group
- MFA is another issue as CTAB considers BEv3
- Agreed supporting MFA is good and necessary
- We get stuck on how an SP and IDP communication around MFA
- We want to use REFEDs MFA profile https://refeds.org/profile/mfa
- How do we help schools that use products that don’t support the REFEDs MFA approach?
- Azure or ADFS users may not be willing to add another layer of technology, they see more technology and more risk
- There are sometimes bilateral relationships with institutions and researchers when an institution cannot assert MFA
- But there are dangers to bilateral relationships
- There are business choices, risk based choices
- SP perspective: use case of Elsevier, students needing to reach articles,
- MFA becomes a burden
- Many SPs will not require all IDPs to support MFA
- Signaling support of MFA or not makes most sense
- Globus supports different levels
- Ability to signal how you perform authentication is important
- Ability to signal MFA may be part of certain profiles
- Summary:
- Makes sense to create a subgroup or working group to lay out the considerations
- Create a map to understand what is fundamental and what is specific to certain cohort
- Start a working group to put move this discussion ahead, frame the questions
- Hope Rachana might take the lead
- Discuss at next CTAB call
Next CTAB call: Tuesday, March 23, 2019 [Summer or Daylight Time will have begun in U.S.]