Baseline Expectations V2 office hours
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
21 participants
- 11 CTAB and Internet2 staff
- 10 additional community members
From CTAB and Internet2 staff
- David Bantz, University of Alaska (chair)
- Ercan Elibol, Florida Polytech Institute
- Richard Frovarp, North Dakota State
- Eric Goodman, UCOP - InCommon TAC Representative to CTAB
- Meshna Koren, Elsevier
- Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison
- Andy Morgan, Oregon State University
- Johnny Lasker, Internet2
- Albert Wu, Internet2
- Netta Caligari, Internet2
- Emily Eisbruch, Internet2
Plus an additional ten community members
Reference: Baseline Expectations for Trust in Federation wiki
- Issue with CTAB showing Qualys SSL Labs scores that are not accurate (too low).
- Our organization verified that our endpoints got A rating in Qualsys SSL scan
- What can we do to make sure that the rating InCommon shows is corrected?
Albert provided background:
- One of ways InCommon measures current and trustworthy encryptions is to run a Qualys SSL tes against connection endpoints in metadata
- Endpoints must be accessible from public Internet in order to be scanned,
- If behind firewalls, we can’t scan
- We scan in batches and it takes time
- Your server could be down for maintenance
- if you can scan and get good score, you are OK
- In fall 2021, CTAB hopes to have an improved process around how to handle a situation where InCommon shows wrong or “out of date” SSL score
- One community member reported that if you go to Qualys SSL Labs website to scan, you can only scan a 443 port.
- There are other services that will give report back on what TLS encryption you have
- Though it is a less comprehensive report
- Albert provided this link to set of scripts, a set of command line scripts you can run on your own
- We have a Windows Server running Shibboleth connecting to InCommon and have turned it off because of non-use.
- Since the BEv2 deadline, we have not seen any issues.
- We wanted to get this running on ADFS, but cannot seem to get any help in doing so.
- We really only use InCommon for Certificates.
- If you are only using InCommon for Certificate Service, Baseline Expectations does not apply to you.
- So you don’t need to register ADFS server in InCommon
- Additional info on ADFS:
- Potentially helpful resource:
- Potentially helpful resource:
- ADFS out of box does not support some capabilities that federation depends on
- Does not consume the metadata aggregate in the format we produce.
- That can be an effort in operations and becomes unsustainable over time.
- Want to be able to automatically download and consume the metadata.
- Change endpoints and signing keys.
- ADFS out of box does not support some capabilities that federation depends on
- Trouble getting IDP updated. Had old Shib service.
- Now in published state and meeting baseline.
- I guess we are OK.
- Want to use Azure identity services in future as SSO system , thru enterprise applications, not sure if anyone has gone thru that path, of using enterprise applications with InCommon.
- Using a tool called PortalGuard from BIO ID, was Distal Serve
- Can be set up as a SAML identity provider
- Integrated easily
- To extend integration, would be better to get systems to using the Azure Identity services for single sign on
- ADFS , with Azure SSO, won’t talk directly to InCommon federation.
- Look at a proxy service such as Shibboleth.
- Hoping for more seamless integration
- When you use SAML, and there is a neutral integration
- If you are using Azure, when they work with Microsoft, go with the Microsoft integration
- When you plug Azure into federation, like ADFS , there will be shortcomings
- Not able to process metadata automatically , won’t be able to send certain signals, such as around MFA
- With Azure, you cannot change entity ID
- Microsoft Azure automatically issues an entity ID and you can’t change it
- Cloud protection with Azure Identity protection is nicely integrated
- based on location and travel
- As we have MFA enabled for more users, It helps give us more comfort level on health of environment
- Single sign on across Calif. community college system
- Looking at OKTA, things in flux
- Looking at common platform
- Many colleges on different systems
- People developing their own solutions. More efficient if we all use the same services
- Interested in success stories with other HE systems
- Suggestion: Reach out to Eric Goodman or Albert
- UC has its own identity federation
- That is a subset or superset of InCommon
- Builds on InCommon standards
- UC has its own identity federation
- I stopped receiving emails from InCommon about please comply with BEV2. Does that mean I am in compliance?
- you can go to federation manager to get a check on that
- if you are already in compliance you won’t get emails
- InCommon temporarily paused the biweekly email notice as we transitioned to BEv2 on July 19.
- At start of July, a good number of institutions asked for an extension of one month.
- The plan is for InCommon to communicate again in the 2nd half of August 2021
General question to attendees:
- What has it been like on your campus implementing BEv2? Anything you’d like to share?
- Security officers, like IDP operators, tend to be like lawyers or mathematicians at times.
- If they think of a counterexample, they are reluctant to asset SIRTFI
- Took time to get ISO to sign off on SIRTFI
- Problem was with the acceptable use policies
- Alumni and parents get logins via the IDP
- Everyone logging into the research sites is covered
- Security officer was hesitant until we were very careful to scope the requirement to apply to incidents among InCommon federation participants.
- Did not want to be committed to using those exact procedures in all other cases.
- Took several rounds to get encryption correct.
- Had some legacy issues.
- Was concerned about SP.
- It was not being maintained, no one was using it.
- Turned it off.
- For Error URL, just needed to find the time to write something.
- Took from enhanced spec. Got it done before July 19
- Nobody likes writing documentation and that’s what it feels like.
- One challenges was when we reached out to SP based on the contact info, we found there was a change in the context,
- We had to reach out several times
- These were mainly inside campus, plus some with an external vendor.
InCommon Staff
- Baseline Expectations triggers people looking through registered services to see if they are still current.
- We are seeing metadata being updated
- Some endpoints data getting cleaned up.
- Hard to keep data “clean”
- People want to stand up services
- Need to ask, Is anyone using this anymore?
- What happened to this entity?
- Through scanning, we find not available scores, servers offline
- InCommon operations did three passes of Qualysis SSL scans between April and August 2021
- Number of unavailable keeps decreasing
- Obsolete entities are getting removed
- most are running up to date, except issues where legacy needs to be supported
Another BEV2 Hour is tentatively scheduled in one month
Thank you to all who participated.