InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - July 12, 2021
- Discussion and acceptance of the Technical Advisory Committee's work re: deployment profile (Keith W., 20 minutes)
- Update on the eduroam Support Organization program (Sara Jeanes, 20 minutes)
- Brief report out from the 1v1 interviews with committee members (Kevin, 10 minutes)
Attending: Laura Paglione, Ted Hanss, Chris Sedore, Christine Miki, Kristi Holmes , Chris Misra, Dee Childs, Brad Christ, Dave Robinson,
With: Kevin, Elaine, Sara,
Regrets: Von Welch, Michael Berman,
Sara did an update on eduroam for those in attendance.
Dee announced to the group that she will be leaving her position and stepping down from the InCommon Steering Committee
It was determined that the agenda items 1 &3 would be pushed out to the next meeting due to a confusion with the zoom coordinates and not everyone making the call.
Next Monthly Meeting: Aug. 2, 2021 - 4 pm ET / 3 pm CT / 2 pm MT / 1 pm PT