InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - February 1, 2021
Attending: Brad Christ, Christine Miki, Ann West, Dave Robinson, Ted Hanss, Marc Wallman, Jeremy Livingston, Laura Paglione, Kristi Holmes, Chris Misra
With: Dean Woodbeck, Kevin Morooney, Rob Carter, Steve Zoppi, David Bantz, Keith Wessel
Catalyst Program
Kevin introduced the Catalyst Program concept - a program for involving commercial partners in InCommon.
Ann reviewed the program using these slides.
The Catalyst program was created to help members of the community deploy InCommon and the associated software more quickly through commercial partners that are part of the community. The need for such help has been part of the feedback we’ve received through the Collaboration Success Program (CSP).
The program is structured to attract companies that are already familiar with InCommon and are committed to serving research and education. Requirements include:
- Offering products and services that support trust and identity standards and use cases
- Participating in the community for at least one year prior to joining the program
- Self-attesting to supporting community standards for specific programs
- Giving back to the community in the form of service and annual case studies or similar resources
Those initially joining the Catalyst Program
- RDCT (Research Data and Communications Technology)
- Spherical Cow Group
- Unicon
- Evolveum
- West Aretee
- Cirrus Identity
- CI Logon
- Alfa Jango
We are currently negotiating a Memorandum of Understanding with the companies and discussing their presence on the InCommon website, goals for outreach and promotion, and other potential opportunities.
Overall, the program is intended to assist with adoption and scalability.
Review of Planning Session
There was a quick discussion of last week. Overall, it was useful and helpful. There was a consensus to hold 3-4 of these during 2021, given the lack of an in-person opportunity for a longer planning session. Quarterly seems to make sense.