InCommon Steering Minutes - December 7, 2020
Attending: Brad Christ, Pankaj Shah, Christine Miki, Dave Robinson, Ted Hanss, Laura Paglione, Marc Wallman, Sean Reynolds, Ann West, Chris Sedore
With: Dean Woodbeck, David Bantz, Jeremy Livingston, Janemarie Duh, Kevin Morooney, Von Welch, Steve Zoppi, Kristi Holmes
New InCommon Steering Members
Ted announced the approval of the InCommon Steering Committee member, who will begin their three-year terms on January 1, 2021:
- Kristi Holmes, Director, Health Sciences Library; Professor; and Director of Evaluation, Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, Northwestern University
- Jeremy Livingston, Associate Vice President for Security Solutions Development and Chief Information Security Officer, Edge (nee NJ Edge)
- Chris Misra, Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and CIO, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Laura Paglione, Spherical Cow Consulting (second term)
Ted and Kevin expressed thanks to Sean Reynolds and Pankaj Shah, who have both served two terms on Steering and will roll off this yaer.
2021 Executive Committee
Brad Christ, Laura Paglione, and Marc Wallman havel expressed an interest in serving on the executive committee. If others are interested, please email Kevin Morooney (
InCommon Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
TAC members serve three-year terms, but there is no limit on the number of terms a member can serve. Eric Kool-Brown (University of Washington) is retiring and will leave TAC.
Three members were re-elected to three-year terms
- Matt Brookover (Colorado School of Mines)
- Heather Flanagan (Spherical Cow Group)
- Judith Bush (OCLC)
A new member is also being recruited. The TAC chair will share this information with Steering once confirmations are complete.
InCommon Community Trust and Assurance Board (CTAB)
Two CTAB members were re-elected to three-year terms:
- Jon Miner (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- David Bantz (University of Alaska)
Two community members were elected to initial three-year terms:
- Andy Morgan (Oregon State University)
- Meshna Koren (Elsevier)
Motion to accept TAC and CTAB membership slates
It was moved by Dave Robinson and seconded by Christine Miki to accept the 2021 membership for TAC and CTAB. The motion passed unanimously..
- CAMP has been going on since 2001 - initially funded by an NSF grant
- This meeting is typically part of TechEx
- This meeting tends to attract to be those implementing/working on identity and access management and federation
- We encouraged international participation and 21% of attendees were from organizations outside the U.S. people, particularly in Europe
CAMP and ACAMP by the numbers:
- Total registrants = 217
- Total non-staff registrants = 184
- 79% U.S. / 21% international
- Number of ACAMP sessions = 37
- Number of CAMP sessions = 25
- Total of 70 speakers/panelists
Kevin mentioned that we’re seeing people come to CAMP/ACAMP through the Collaboration Success Program, training sessions regarding the InCommon Trusted Access Platform components, and BaseCAMP attendees. Our investment over the last two years in training and community engagement is paying off. People are coming and sticking around, which is what we need to drive adoption and collaboration.
Steering Committee Topics for 2021
Ted reviewed the 2020 planning document, which set out an ambitious agenda for Steering and it was accomplished for the most part.
Each division of Internet2 has a Program Advisory Group (PAG) to provide advice on programs and direction. The Trust and Identity division PAG has included the three members of the InCommon Steering executive committee. Kevin would like to have a discussion in January about changing this and having one member represent Steering on the PAG. There is also a need for Steering liaisons to TAC and CTAB.
Kevin provided an overview of the 2021 planning idea document. This includes a number of potential discussion issues suggested by Steering members, staff, and the executive committee. Kevin will coordinate a Steering meeting in January (60-90 minutes) to put some structure ot he document and determine the discussion items for 2021. He will also coordinate an onboarding meeting for the new Steering members (and all Steering members are welcome).
Three issues mentioned today include:
- A look at how InCommon will grow in the future
- Making progress on a value proposition for CIOs and other campus constituents
- Doing a close-out of 2020 - what was accomplished and what was not