InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - July 6, 2020
Attending: Ted Hanss, Laura Paglione, Marc Wallman, Christine Miki, Sean Reynolds, Chris Sedore, Ann West, Pankaj Shah, Michael Berman
With: Dean Woodbeck, Kevin Morooney, David Bantz, Jessica FInk, Steve Zoppi
Member Recruitment
Discussion concerning Steering members for 2021.
iMeetings Going Forward
TechEx has three primary components
- REFEDS/International
- Org best practices and implementation stores, and InC updates (CAMP)
- Just-in-time discussion hot topics (ACAMP)
International has become very important part of ACAMP
- Looking at how we might do something in conjunction with GEANT - ACAMP online perhaps
- Might do CAMP in one week and ACAMP in another - or could spend less time each week, but do it over more weeks
Laura has been exploring with how you create the feeling of presence at a virtual conference, similar to an in-person conference
- Qiqo Chat:
Some thoughts about virtual meetings
- There seems to be an expectation that you will multitask during a Zoom session - it can be a challenge to get someone’s complete attention
- Thought - if you are talking, you should have video on, so we can see you and see you are engaged.
- Set expectations explicitly in a zoom meeting - put phones aside, close other windows, because you’ll get a lot more out of it.
- How do you make the online meeting an immersive experience? How do you organize content to work well with the technology?
Next month's agenda will focus on the IAM workforce. Average age is increasing.
Next Meeting - August 3, 2020
4 pm ET / 3 pm CT / 2 pm MT / 1 pm PT