InCommon Steering Committee Minutes - March 2, 2020
Attending: Ann West, Ted Hanss, Sean Reynolds, Brad Christ, Pankaj Shah, Laura Paglione, Dave Robinson, Christine Miki, Marc Wallman
With: David Bantz, Kevin Morooney, Von Welch, Janemarie Duh
Brad Christ was elected Secretary of InCommon Steering via email. Ted thanked Brad for his willingness to serve. Given these additional responsibilities, Brad will step down as Steering’s liaison to CTAB and Steering will need a new person in that role.
Kevin reviewed the community gatherings planned over the next two months and the potential impact of the COVID19 coronavirus. Global Summit is at the end of March, there is Shibboleth training in two weeks, and Grouper training at the end of April. There was a general discussion about how various organizations are preparing and responding to the spread of the virus.
Kevin will make a PDF of the slides he had intended to review today and will share that on the Steering email list.
David mentioned that CTAB will soon send a notice to the community concerning the next phase of Baseline Expectations and opening the community consensus process.
Next Meeting
Monday, April 6, 2020 - 4 pm ET / 3 pm CT / 2 pm MT / 1 pm PT