CTAB Wed. Oct. 9, 2019


  • David Bantz, University of Alaska (vice chair)        
  • Rachana Ananthakrishnan, Globus, University of Chicago  
  • Tom Barton, University Chicago and Internet2 
  • John Pfeifer, University of Maryland 
  • Albert Wu, Internet2 
  • Kevin Morooney, Internet2
  • Jessica Coltrin, Internet2


  • Mary Catherine Martinez, InnoSoft (chair)
  • Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska 
  • Brad Christ, Eastern Washington University
  • Eric Goodman, UCOP - TAC Representative to CTAB 
  • Chris Hable, University of Michigan
  • John Hover, Brookhaven National Lab 
  • Adam Lewenberg , Stanford  
  • Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison
  • Chris Whalen, Research Data and Communication Technologies 
  • Ann West, Internet2
  • Emily Eisbruch, Internet2   

Pre-reads and materials of interest:

New Action Items

    • AI (CTAB): review current  BE v2 document to establish if this is the complete proposal
    • AI (Tom B): generate alternative packaging of the BE V2 document for review at the next CTAB meeting


  • CTAB  at Tech Ex 2019
  • Website abstract for Tech Ex 2019 open meeting - David
    Albert will get this description onto web site of TechEx

    Please come to an open meeting of the Community Assurance and Trust Board (CTAB)! In this meeting we will discuss and solicit your feedback on proposed new requirements for Baseline Expectations 2020, such as:
    • SIRTFI framework for communicating security concerns
    • Error URL
    • Encryption (SSL) for end points
    • As well as possible future requirements:
    •        REFEDS Multi-Factor Authentication Signaling
    •        R&S attribute release
    • and the Community Consensus process that will be used to finalize the next version of Baseline Expectations 2020
  • Blog/webinar for BE 2020 - community consensus https://www.incommon.org/federation/community-consensus/ and TechEx open meeting; include REFEDS
    • Need a series of fora for exposure of BE 2020 proposals; good to include international input, for which REFEDS might be good conveyor.
    • Don’t want video/webinar to be part of consensus process per se, because less accessible and archival; but may get needed input for best BE 2020 proposal to undergo consensus process.
  • Community consensus for BE 2020 - next steps David/Tom
    • What do we need?
      • Keep REFEDS part of discussion 
      • Initiate with email to InC participants and corresponding REFEDS list(s);
        triggers creation of topic-specific email list
      • Specific CTAB proposal of BE 2020 is the subject of consensus
    • One or more timelines? Could have a separate process for each component, or single process for combined.
    • BE v1 good example of self-governance; suggests being “crisp” about what is proposed in consensus process would extend that sense of trust and clarity.
    • CTAB take is that MFA signalling and attribute bundles are not yet ready to be Baseline expectations; but furthering discussion and technical development appropriate. Spin up working groups to examine and address impediments. (IdPaaS may be what’s needed for MFA signalling for example.)
    • Note: Community consensus process precedes the community consultation process, community consultation is a final doc review that comes after we have achieved community consensus
    • Goal is to have Baseline Expectations to be something that everyone can meet.
    • TechEx is good opportunity to announce the community consensus process for Baseline Expectations 2020, valuable face time

    • ACTION ITEM (CTAB): review current  BE v2 document to establish if this is the complete proposal
    • ACTION ITEM (Tom B): generate alternative packaging of the BE V2 document for review at the next CTAB meeting

  • As part of CTAB facilitation of discussion (of MFA, attribute bundles) CTAB should develop discussion papers elaborating our position and thinking on these controversial items

Next CTAB call: Wed. Oct. 23, 2019

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