CTAB Open Meeting at 2019 TechEx,  Dec 11, 2019


Thanks to John Krienke for these notes

For reference


 Welcome  and Intro

Baseline Expectations (BE) next phase 

Review 5 items for proposed community consensus:

  • TLS 1.2

What issues do you anticipate we’ll encounter with each of these?

What timeframe should we ask the community to meet each of these requirements?

A rough timeline framework for BE next steps:

  • Begin Community Consensus process in Q1 2020
    • This will be our first official use of the Community Consensus process.
  • Assess timeline from the community to meet the specific
  • Finalize recommendations in a community consensus process

All these steps may take up to one year from concept presentation, consensus process, implementation, and may vary based on community uptake.

Additional topics and notes: 

Community Dispute Resolution Process. To remedy disputes between and among InCommon Participants. 

Important to note: There is no unilateral decision that CTAB will make to change Baseline Expectations. The community consensus process is always invoked for changes. 

A Guidance Document is being created by Albert Wu of CTAB. ( v1 adherence draftclarifications on new items

Discussion of the 5 proposed changes: 

SIRTFI:  SIRTFI is also making some changes. How will the changes and requirements be managed? SIRTFI will manage versions with version control numbers (i.e., 1.0, 2.0). 

  • Does Sirtfi risk lawyers being involved?
  • Attesting to compliance might present a legal risk to the organization 
  • CTAB and SIRTFI members are discussing ways to field test compliance and report back to the GEANT task force. There is also a peer review process in the HPC community, involving a questionnaire, feedback, discovery, remediation, etc. 

TLS: Moving targets may also be an issue with TLS as well. There might be a way to use a benchmarking tool like SSL Labs. 

  • Dependency noted that we would be dependent on how SSL Labs updates its own rankings/grades
  • SUNet, Only allow B or greater, only allow a slack time of a week.
  • Need to figure out how to make people aware of impending SSLLabs changes
  • TLS is a technology. SIRTFI is a set of practices and policies. Are there differences to be aware of? 
  • Nick - Can we require TLS for endpoints and then drop the attribute encryption requirement for SP endpoints that is often a problem for SPs?
  • Active scanning of endpoints. Nick. We updated the InCommon participation agreement when Baseline Expectations were added. There is latitude now that would/could include permission for InCommon to actively scan endpoints in published metadata. 
  • TLS: if we get too restrictive, we will start having to drop support for certain browsers. This could also be very problematic for hospitals who must run old versions of browsers in patient-facing services. 
  • Can we have a report-back interface that summarizes browser versions in the TAP versions and instructions for non-TAP?

Ways to measure each of the components of BE.  The guidance document (URL above) intends to capture how we will implement and measure meeting each requirement. 

ErrorURL: This one speaks to a consistent user experience. What content should be on the page? Comments? 

  • General advice. What is the error related to? Missing attributes, MFA, etc?  
  • Sweden: send back a cropped URL related to the issue. 
  • Basically all errors that SP's can't do anything about 
  • SAML2Int mentions requirements for this as well
  • Perhaps also include a few standard SP-related problems that IdP support can forward to the SP operator. 
  • Let's get a working group of some kind together to develop a standard around this (a possible Advance CAMP topic for later in the week)
  • SP error Guidance. Do we take this up, or just mandate IdP ErrorURL? 
  • Proxies! (how will they handle specific error URLs?) 
  • Error URL is *only* about critical problems where the user cannot proceed. Agreed?
  • We can get better incrementally. We don't have to mandate a perfect, all encompassing solution.  
  • Logos for both IdP and SP could also be included in the guidance for good error reporting behavior. 
  • There was agreement  that ErrorURL is for sending users to on a fatal error where the SP can't function.  Otherwise the SP should continue, perhaps suggesting the user contact the IdPO about the "problem".

MFA:  Just the ability to signal MFA. 

  • Are we excluding any commercial vendors? An important consideration. 
  • Can ADFS do this? Does all IdP software support this capability? 
  • Some other component (bridge, hub, proxy, IdPaaS) could provide this capability. 

Begin communicating now that changes are afoot, even though we may not be ready with the actual recommendation. 

Maybe a Roadmap that we will eventually be going here. 

SP side.  We need to tap into new voices. 

End of session.  


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