InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - August 5, 2019
Attending: Ann West, Marty Ringle, Melissa Woo, Brad Christ, Ted Hanss, Dee Childs, Dave Vernon, Christine Miki, Laura Paglione, Sean Reynolds, Chris Sedore, Mike Erickson
With: Dean Woodbeck, Kevin Morooney, Von Welch, Mary Catherine Martinez, John Morabito, Janemarie Duh, John Krienke, Steve Zoppi
Regrets: Pankaj Shah
Request for approve as Research Organization
John Krienke presented a request from the Social and Environmental Research Institute to join InCommon as a Research Organization. This requires an exception approval by Steering, as SERI is not listed on any government agency or lab listing, as is required for Research Organizations. It was moved (Melissa) and seconded (Marty) to approve SERI joining InCommon as a research organization. Approved unanimously.
Background on InCommon, LLC, and Internet2
John Morabito, vice president for external relations and general counsel of Internet2, provided background and historical information about the legal and financial relationship between InCommon and Internet2.
Steering Nominations for 2020
Ted provided a summary of the schedule for nominations and selection of new Steering Committee members with terms beginning January 1, 2020.
Next Meeting
Monday, September 9, 2019, 4 pm ET / 3 pm CT / 2 pm MT / 1 pm PT