InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - July 1, 2019
Attending: Ann West, Ted Hanss, Laura Paglione, Chris Sedore, Christine Miki, Dave Vernon, Dee Childs
With: Von Welch, Kevin Morooney, Dean Woodbeck, John Krienke, Steve Zoppi
Regrets: Brad Christ, Sean Reynolds, Marty Ringle, Janemarie Duh, Melissa Woo
InCommon Research Organization Discussion
John Krienke, director of service management at Internet2, led a discussion about the interest of Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) joining InCommon in the Research Organization category of InCommon Participants. Currently that category requires a relationship (such as funding) to a federal research agency. HHMI falls outside of that category because they have no federal funding. However, it could be helpful to have them in the research organization category because they would be able to sponsor organizations into InCommon.
As background, the Participation Agreement identifies three categories of organizations:
- Higher Education Institutions
- Sponsored Partners
- Research Organizations (added ~ 2009/2010)
These categories are grounded in the FOPP—the Federation Operating Policies and Practices. Steering can add any participant by exception, and can also change the FOPP to change a category. John reviewed past changes (broadening the definition of “higher ed” to include system offices, for example). The “research org” category itself, and the ability for ROs to sponsor partners, were also made possible by FOPP changes.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Would like to join as a Research Organization in order to sponsor their own partners when needed.
- They are funded by their endowment. They do not receive funds from NIH/NSF. Summary of their scientists and programs.
- They also fund university-based initiatives.
- Note: They are interested in joining eduroam as well, which they are currently allowed to do. There are no classifications in eduroam (i.e., no HE, RO, SP). eduroam eligibility in the US is partially governed by the international eduroam GEGC—Global eduroam Governance Committee.
It was moved (Laura) and seconded (Christine) that InCommon Steering approve Howard Hughes Medical Institute as a research organization. The motion passed unanimously.
There was also discussion about changing the FOPP to remove the provision that a Research Organization be related to a federal research agency (such as funded by NIH or NSF). Some points made were:
- Status quo works - it is fairly easy for Steering to approve exceptions, like today’s action
- Broadening the definition of Research Organization could signal the broadening/diversification of InCommon.
(AI) InCommon staff should provide information about how expanding the RO definition might affect InCommon and its current scope.
This discussion will continue next month and may be a good face-to-face item if enough Steering members are attending the 2019 Technology Exchange.
2020 Steering Committee roster considerations
Kevin teed up a discussion about Steering nominations with terms beginning January 1, 2020.
- Dee and Marty have terms expiring but are eligible for another term
- Dave and Melissa are completing their second terms and ineligible for reappointment
- Do not have to fill these seats, since Steering can have 7-13 members and we are currently at the 13 maximum.
- We have two advisors outside of the advisory groups
- Von Welch (research)
- Chris Holmes (legal)
Consider potential community members to target. Consider diversity (SP v IdP, size of institution, research, etc). Ted asked that Steering members begin considering these factors and identify potential nominees.