InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - June 3, 2019
Attending: Brad Christ, Sean Reynolds, Dave Vernon, Janemarie Duh, Mary Catherine Martinez, Ann West, Dee Childs, Marty Ringle, Ted Hanss, Chris Sedore, Christine Miki, Pankaj Shah, Mike Erickson, Von Welch
With: Kevin Morooney, Dean Woodbeck, Steve Zoppi
Updated Communications and Engagement
Ann provided an overview of plans for a greatly expanded training program, the next version of the Collaboration Success Partners program, and a demo of the new website. All of this ties back to the marketing and segmentation study from 2017.
Key findings of that study:
- "Community" is key to InCommon's success and a significant differentiator
- Training and implementation support is a gap
- Focus on solutions, not specific software
- InCommon has a strong and positive brand recognition
How will we do things differently?
- Develop value propositions and promote messages
- Merge software and services in one website
- Leverage InCommon as a brand - it has a strong presence
- Develop intro to production training
Ann's slides provide context and additional information.
Comments on the new website:
- Is there a way to leverage this web/marketing to garner more interest from upper-level execs (e.g. saves you money, improves your research)
- One way to tackle this is to feature how InCommon can help enable major research efforts - aimed at research administrators
- Sean - transforming the community - with community-designed solutions - use the Solutions tab as the “what,” but amplify that
- Understand how it is that IAM is being sold locally. How we can build on that with our messaging?
- Develop a toolkit separate from the website. Why do I need this? What more can I do? Toolkit for people who are contemplating this - you’ve decided it is valuable and how can you get past the objections.