InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - March 11, 2019
Attending: Brad Christ, Mike Erickson, Ted Hanss, Marty Ringle, Laura Paglione, Melissa Woo, Christe Miki, Pankaj Shah, Sean Reynolds, Marcy Catherine Martinez, Von Welch, Chris Sedore
With: Steve Zoppi, Kevin Morooney
Regrets: Dave Vernon, Dee Childs, Ann West
InCommon Fee Change Increase Proposal
Kevin reviewed the communications and outreach on the proposed fee increase, including emails, a webinar, four open office hours, and discussions at the WestNet CIO meeting, the Common Solutions Group, and Global Summit.
Steering will meet on April 1 and have the final proposal for the fee increase. There will be an email vote on April 8. Members are asked to review the draft proposal for the fee increase and make any comments on the wiki page. A draft communications plan will be available for the April 1 Steering meeting.
Baseline Expectations - What to Expect
Mary Catherine Martinez, chair of CTAB, reviewed the Baseline Expectations progress and provided a written summary. There are about 60 organizations that do not meet Baseline (out of 760 - so 92% do meet Baseline). CTAB is discussing the process to help those organizations meet Baseline. Ultimately, Steering may be asked to approve removal of non-complying entities from metadata. Steering will need to be thoughtful about how to proceed with this process.
Global Summit Highlights
(AI) Kevin will share slides from Exec Track
There was quite a bit of discussions about eduroam at the meeting, and interest in the regional pilot with Utah, which would scale eduroam to K-12, libraries, and other organizations that have relationships with the regional.
There was also significant interest in COmanage. Steve Zoppi outlined a series of discussions about ways to expand the pool of talent and resources to develop the software, given the expanding use. GEANT, JISC, SurfNet, and others are interested in getting invovled.
The Trust and Identity PAG heard a presentation about the learning and support program under development by InCommon.
InCommon LLC
Kevin said that he and John Morabito (Internet2’s chief counsel) are developing an analysis of the InCommon, LLC, and its relationship to Internet. InCommon is a single-member LLC, with Internet2 as that member. There is nothing being proposed at this point - this is due diligence. Once the analysis is complete, Kevin will ask John Morabito to join a Steering meeting for a discussion.