InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - February 4, 2019
Attending: Ted Hanss, Brad Christ, Marty Ringle, Ann West, Chris Sedore, Christine Miki, Sean Reynolds, Mike Erickson, Dee Childs, Laura Paglione
With: Brett Bieber, Von Welch, Janemarie Duh, Mary-Catherine Martinez
Action Items
(AI) If you have an interest in serving as InCommon Steering liaison to the CTAB, please email Ted Hanss by the end of the day Thursday, February 7.
(AI) Ann and Janemarie will discuss whether TAC should have a liaison to CTAB.
Officer Elections for 2019
Sean Reynolds opened the meeting, as the outgoing chair, for officer elections. There was one nominee for each position:
Sean opened the meeting as outgoing chair.
Chair - Ted Hanss
Vice-Chair - Mike Erickson
Secretary - Laura Paglione
Resolution - 2019 Officers
It was moved by Marty Ringle, seconded by Brad Christ, to approve the officer slate. The motion was approved unanimously.
Ted Hanss chaired the rest of the meeting.
CTAB (Community Trust and Assurance Board) Members
CTAB recruited new members and selected new officers for 2019, and presents this slate to Steering for approval. The members serve three-year terms, and the officers serve for one year.
New members:
Adam Lewenberg, Stanford University
John Pfeifer, University of Maryland, College Park
Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska
John Hover, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Rachana Ananthakrishnan, Globus
CTAB 2019 Officers:
Mary-Catherine Martinez, Innosoft, chair
David Bantz, University of Alaska, vice-chair
Resolution - CTAB Members 2019
It was moved by Sean Reynolds, seconded by Mike Erickson, to approve the slate of members and officers. Approved unanimously.
Also, CTAB is currently considering how to address the organizations that have yet to meet Baseline Expectations and will likely have a plan of action to discuss with Steering in March.
Ted Hanss has served as the Steering liaison to CTAB and would like to have a new person take that role. (AI) If you have an interest, please email Ted by the end of the day Thursday, February 7.
There was discussion about whether TAC should have a liaison to CTAB. (AI) Ann and Janemarie will discuss this.
Fee Change Update
There were 103 attending the fee change webinar on January 16. Sean, Ted and Kevin presented the rationale and need for the fee change - the need to support the software, and the need to address Shibboleth support for InCommon participants. There were a limited number of questions about how the new revenue level compares to current (current annual revenue is about $3 million; new revenue level would be $5.5 million).
Two office hours have taken place so far, with very light attendance. Questions have been more about which participation level a school is at, and also questions about joining InCommon. Two more office hours are scheduled.
Mike Erickson reported that he and Kevin presented to the WestNet CEOs - a condensed version of the webinar. There were questions about how the increased fees would be used. There were also questions about how to determine the InCommon fee level for individual institutions. Finally, there was discussion about whether there was consideration for whether participants may drop from InCommon because of the higher fees. Kevin will provide more-detailed answers to the CIOs and add that information to the FAQ.
There was discussion about the proximity of the cost-of-living Internet2 membership dues increase, then the InCommon participation fee increase announced later that month. This might have an impact, particularly on public institutions, who are under increased pressures to contain costs. The changes are different, with Internet2 instituting a cost-of-living increase, while the InCommon change is strategic, given the change in scope (software support and Shibboleth software support) and also increase in value. There is some concern that, given the volume of daily email, the message may not register with CIOs until they have an invoice in their hands. Steering members are asked to have hallway discussions at Global Summit and elsewhere to both spread the word and learn of any concerns. We also need to develop stories and information that support the new value proposition.
Meeting Changes
The next scheduled InCommon Steering meeting is scheduled for March 4, which will be a travel day for those going to Global Summit. Steering members are invited to the Trust and Identity PAG meeting at Global Summit on Wednesday, March 6, 8:30 am. The March 4 Steering meeting will move to March 11 at the regular time. Also, Laura, Mike, and Ted will plan to attend the February 11 PAG meeting as Steering reps.
Next Meetings
Trust and Identity PAG F2F- March 6, 8:30 am, Washington, DC
Full Steering - March 11, 2019 - 4 pm ET