CTAB Call of Wed. Nov. 7, 2018
Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska (chair)
Mary Catherine Martinez, InnoSoft (vice chair)
David Bantz, University of Alaska
Tom Barton, University Chicago and Internet2
Chris Hable, University of Michigan
Ted Hanss, Yale
Joanna Rojas, Duke
Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison
Albert Wu, Internet2
Ann West, Internet2
Kevin Morooney, Internet2
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2
- Chris Whalen, National Institute of Health
New Action Items
[AI] (MC and Brett) reach out to chairs of InCommon TAC about initial conversations around SP badging issues, and include AnnW and Albert in the conversations.
[AI] Albert follow up on notifying delegated SP admins about health check issues
AI (Emily) summarize the plan for the revised BE Maintenance doc and other Baseline Expectations Documents (DONE)
Older Action item
[AI] (Ann and Tom) follow up with Chris and Warren to look over some of the particulars of academic collaborator organizations and select one to make a meaningful contact.
BE Maintenance Documents
TomB updated the BE Maintenance document with decisions made during tabletop exercises
Dispute resolution should be broken out to a different doc
Please provide feedback by Wed next week. Nov 14, 2018
Will do a community consultation
Hope for final version by end of Dec.
AI (Emily) summarize the plan for the revised BE Maintenance doc and other Baseline Expectations Documents
Next steps towards Dec. 14, 2018 deadline for meeting baseline
- BE Office Hours https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/sALxBg
Recruiting new CTAB members
CTAB Charter: http://doi.org/10.26869/TI.94.1
Brett emailed recruitment email (soon after this CTAB call). Recruitment posting on wiki is here: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/9YBHC
Brett, Joanna and Ted complete terms in Dec 2018
If Ted is selected for another 3 year term on InCommon Steering, he could potentially continue on CTAB as the Steering Rep. But it’s also healthy to get another Steering member familiar with the work of CTAB.
Joanna happy to help with recruiting. Having an auditor on CTAB is helpful. ACUA http://www.acua.org/ACUA/College_University_Auditors.asp is a good venue for outreach. Joanna’s other professional circles.
Brett open to serving an additional term on CTAB
Service Provider Standards
Jack Suess, UMBC, sent email around service provider standards
Jack wondered if we can increase value of federation
We need members participating at the fullest
Jack notes that now there are SPs on the participants list that are not up to standards
Ann had interesting conversation with a CIO at EDUCAUSE
All of the service providers for that campus adhere to BE except for 3. The CIO would be happy to have them removed from metadata.
Before an SP could be removed, there will be questions on who registered the SP and who uses the service
We are currently sending the health check info to site admins and asking them to manage the SPs on their campus
This is right for the current stage.
When/if there is ever a recommendation to remove, we should escalate and communicate with the exec
It might help if we sent a stern letter for CIO to share with the non complying SPs? Hard to know, but during the dispute resolution process CTAB will exhaust all possibilities
There can be delegated site admins in federation manager
contacting the right person, the right SP admin, can be a challenge
We support delegated SP admins, should we notify them of the health check issues? Perhaps bring this up on the Ops call? Albert will follow up.
[AI] Albert will follow up on the topic of notifying delegated SP admins about health check issues
Next Steps on Service Provider Standards
Kevin notes that Internet2 Net+ is also looking at badging
InCommon TAC is looking at more interoperability between IdPs and SPs
From an organizational assurance/trust level, combine various metrics into a “stamp of approval”
Suggestion that CTAB formally request from InCommon Ops that they combine the different metrics into a consolidated list
Coordination between InCommon TAC and CTAB on this issue would be helpful
[AI] (MC and Brett) reach out to chairs of InCommon TAC about initial conversations around SP badging issues, and include AnnW and Albert in the conversations.
Next CTAB call
- Nov. 21, 2018 CTAB call will be cancelled due to Thanksgiving.
- Make up CTAB call on Wed Nov. 28 at 4pm ET