CTAB Wed. Dec. 5, 2018
Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska (chair)
Mary Catherine Martinez, InnoSoft (vice chair)
David Bantz, University of Alaska
Tom Barton, University Chicago and Internet2
Chris Hable, University of Michigan
Ted Hanss, Yale
Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison
Joanna Rojas, Duke
Chris Whalen, Research Data and Communication Technologies
Albert Wu, Internet2
Ann West, Internet2
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2
Update on InCommon Service Provider Badging Discussion
Albert set up a call to discuss SP badging issues for Dec. 11 with TAC Chairs and other key individuals.
This is a follow on from Jack Suess’s email around giving a better idea of the standing of an SP in the InCommon Federation in terms of various measures.
BE Maintenance Docs (TomB)
thanks for all the input, all issues resolved, except will work on better resolution graphic
[AI] (Albert) will work on improving the graphic on dispute resolution
Motion was passed to approve the revised Community Dispute Resolution doc, pending work on graphic display.
next steps: Finalize doc, send note to Steering, note to participants list, notify participants 2nd week of January that there is an updated version.
Processes to Maintain BE Doc TI.105.2 -
this doc is being updated to reflect the dispute resolution material being moved to the new doc TI.118.1
BE Office Hours https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/sALxBg
Target for meeting BE on Dec 14, 2018
Update: key InCommon staff met to discuss next steps, Albert is tracking orgs. Plan to take action In order of risk priorities from this document
Good news: There has recently been an big increase in SPs that meet BE. It is easier now with the bulk update feature
See Blog on Huge Progress by the Community: https://www.internet2.edu/blogs/detail/16925
Health Check Emails
Health check email message includes link to extension request form
Followed by health check status
We should change the wording of the health check emails after Dec 14
Need wording for communication to those not meeting Baseline
Would be good to have a friendly way to get orgs to ask for any help needed
Next Health check email should go out on Dec 18. Plan to continue to send every 2 weeks .
Albert will work on new updated text for the health check emails.
TomB: when we are in steady state mode, we should have health check message indicate the cycle times
CTAB will be owners of the dispute process. CTAB will discuss with InCommon Staff in general what the message should be, and InCommon staff will work on how to word the emails
Recruiting new CTAB members
CTAB Recruitment info on wiki: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/9YBHC
TomB has reached out to 3 individuals in the research space about serving on CTAB.
Brett spoke with all potential new CTAB nominees last year; This year MC will join these conversations
Reminder to look for diversity of large and small institutions, etc.
Suggestion to add columns for each member of CTAB and their characteristics per what’s identified in the charter.
[AI] Emily will add columns for each member of CTAB and their characteristics per what’s identified in the charter and reach out for help where needed. (DONE)
Next CTAB call: Wed. Dec. 12, 2018 at 4pm ET
Reminder CTAB will also meet on Dec. 19, Jan 2, Jan 9, Jan 16 and Jan 23 at 4pm ET