Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska (chair)
Mary Catherine Martinez, InnoSoft (vice chair)
Tom Barton, University Chicago and Internet2
Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison
Chris Whalen, Research Data and Communication Technologies
Albert Wu, Internet2
Chris Hable, University of Michigan
David Bantz, University of Alaska
Ted Hanss, Yale
Joanna Rojas, Duke
Ann West, Internet2
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2
BE Progress toward Dec 14, 2018 Target Date
Albert reported good progress is being made with more and more organizations meeting baseline.
There is no plan to turn on mandatory BE enforcement within the federation manager at this time
[AI] Albert Ask Nick to capture use cases / implications around turning on mandatory BE enforcement within the Federation Manager. (Done)
BE Extension Request - one received so far
For Extension requests , route request to CTAB email list
CTAB member has 24 hours to question/challenge. If no objections, request is accepted by default
CTAB members should contact any orgs that they can to move adoption forward
CTAB Recruiting
- Recruiting for new CTAB members is ongoing.
- The group is categorizing current CTAB members to clarify where we might have gaps in size and types of organizations represented on CTAB
Baseline Expectations Maintenance Docs (TomB)
BE Community Dispute Resolution Process TI.118.1
This doc is now live at
- Several representatives from CTAB recently met with the InCommon TAC chairs to discuss possible indicators/bading for InCommon participants.
- Albert will be following up on the ideas that surfaced from that call.
Baseline Expectations Office Hours
BE Transitioning Docs (Ann)
BE Designing How To Transition the Community Doc TI.120.1
Note the Transitioning the Community doc is already in the repository:
Next CTAB Call: Wed Dec 19, 2018
Reminder CTAB will also meet on Jan 2, Jan 9, Jan 16 and Jan 23 at 4pm ET