InCommon Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - January 26, 2018
Attending: Sean Reynolds, Michael Gettes, Marty Ringle, Dave Vernon, Pankaj Shah, Ted Hanss, Celeste Schwartz, Melissa Woo, Mike Erickson, Klara Jelinkova, Laura Paglione
With: Brett Bieber, Kevin Morooney, Mark Scheible, Dean Woodbeck, Ann West
Sean welcomed the new Steering members: Mike Erickson of the Colorado School of Mines, and Laura Paglione from ORCID. He also thanked Michele Norin for her three years of service.
Conflict of Interest Policy
The InCommon LLC bylaws requires Steering members to annually acknowledge the conflict of interest policy (which is Exhibit B in the bylaws). Angi Sizemore of the Internet2 staff will communicate with each Steering member on getting this done for 2018.
Officer Elections
There was discussion about the slate of officers for 2018. The executive positions include the chair, vice-chair, and secretary. Sean Reynolds and Ted Hanss (current chair and vice-chair, respectively) were nominated to serve in those same positions during 2018. Melissa Woo and Michael Gettes were nominated for secretary.
Steering members have until 8 am Monday, Jan. 29 (ET) to either nominate others or express interest in a position by emailing Kevin Morooney ( If needed, a ballot will be distributed Monday morning.
Community Trust and Assurance Board (CTAB) Nominations
Brett Bieber, chair of the CTAB, reviewed the four nominees to the CTAB, which require Steering approval. Brett has talked to three of the four nominees and is particularly pleased to have interest from a commercial service provider (Mary Catherine Martinez). This slate of nominees will be presented to Steering for approval during the Feb. 5 meeting. Brett also mentioned that Ted Hanss has been a valuable asset as the Steering representative to CTAB and hopes to have him continue his involvement.
CTAB held the first of three webinars on Baseline Expectations this past week, with 103 attending. There are two more webinars in the series: one on health checks on February 21, and one on policy issues and the implementation plan on March 7.
The meeting was adjourned