InCommon Steering Committee Minutes - September 11, 2017
Attending: Dennis Cromwell, Michael Gettes, Sean Reynolds, Celeste Schwartz, Pankaj Shah, Klara Jelinkova, Marty Ringle, Michele Norin, Dee Childs
With: Kevin Morooney, Von Welch, Mark Scheible, Brett Bieber, Steve Zoppi
Action Items
(AI) All Steering Members - Send any nominees for an open Steering spot to Kevin Morooney
(AI) Kevin Morooney - set up meeting of the subcommittee for Shibboleth sustainability
August Minutes
The minutes from August 8, 2017, were approved via the wiki
2018 Nominations
Three members - Michele, Pankaj, and Sean -- have terms expiring and are all are eligible for a second term. In addition, Dennis will be resigning, as his duties at Indiana have changed.
The requirement is to have two nominees available for each open seat, but those do not have to be unique individuals. All three with terms expiring are interested in serving a second term. The nominee selected to fill Dennis’s term will serve through December 31, 2019.
There was discussion about the type of representation needed among Steering members. Someone with a research perspective would be helpful - either from one of the large research projects or a smaller project. Steering members are asked to send any suggestions to Kevin within the next two weeks.
Shibboleth Sustainability
Kevin provided some background about the potential change in Shib user support. There has been some discussion on the Steering email list.
The discussion included a number of points:
Should InCommon provide some sort of support for participants, given such a high percentage use Shibboleth? If so, what would that look like and how would it be funded? Having some type of support path within InCommon may make sense
There is confusion about whether InCommon participants would qualify for support from the Shibboleth Consortium, given that Internet2 is a principal member (the answer is “no”)
There is a feeling that having institutions pay for InCommon and also pay the Shib Consortium does not seem like a good business model. This would seem to add to the confusion, and also may mean that organizations may not join the Consortium.
InCommon Steering’s perspective needs to be about what is best for its participants
A vast majority of Shib developer time is not spent on support via the email list. Steve Zoppi report that roughly 5% of developer time is spent on development. Developers are working fewer hours on Shibboleth in order to keep operations going for a longer time.
The Consortium has explored the idea of various support levels and the cost for administering such a system. It would require substantial resources
Steering set up a subcommittee to explore the topic of Shibboleth sustainability, with the idea of moving the conversation along more quickly. The subcommittee will include Kevin, Steve, Michael, Sean, and Marty. Ted will be asked to participate, as well. (AI) Kevin will coordinate the first meeting.
Trust and Identity PAG F2F Agenda Items
Steering members suggested these agenda items:
Shibboleth sustainability
Financial framework for trust/identity - sustainability - right now a patchwork of funding (InCommon, TIER, Shib, eduroam, Cert Service)
Baseline Expectations
Project portfolio in general - Kevin will create this as an asset for the PAG meeting - snapshot of total Trust and Identity portfolio