InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - November 3, 2014
Attending: Klara Jelinkova, Dennis Cromwell, Susan Kelly, Dave Vernon, Michael Gettes, Steve Carmody, Jack Suess, Steve Devoti, Ken Klingenstein, Bill Yock
With: John Krienke, Ann West, Steve Zoppi, Shel Waggener
Action Items
(AI) Klara will contact nominees to collect information about their experience with IAM and ask for bio information
(AI) John Krienke will contact Steering Exec members on their availability for a Nov. 24 meeting
(AI) Steering members are asked to review the notes from Oct. 27 and be ready for continuing the discussion of InCommon’s scope on December 1.
Steering approved minutes from October 6, 2014 (Susan abstained)
There are three seats open on InCommon Steering (those currently occupied by Joel Cooper, Jack Suess, Bill Yock. Steering needs to provide two nominees for each seat to Shel Waggener (as Internet2’s representative). There is a large group of nominees. The goal is to have a revised list by November 20, with bio info for remaining nominees.
InCommon role/scope
- Steering members are asked to review the notes from October 27 and further discuss this topic during the December 1, 2014, Steering meeting
Officers for 2015
- Officers listed in the bylaws include: chair, vice, treasurer, secretary, and assistant secretary.
- The most significant role for the officers is to serve as part of the executive committee (which frames the agenda).
- Klara is willing to remain as chair
- Officers are typically elected during the first meeting of the calendar year
Next Meetings
- Steering Exec will meet November 24, 2014, at 4 pm ET (John will validate that members will be available)
- Steering will meet December 1, 2014, at 4 pm ET