InCommon Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - September 8, 2014
Attending: Steve Carmody, John O’Keefe, Dennis Cromwell, Dave Vernon, Joel Cooper, Steve Devoti, Chris Holmes, Klara Jelinkova, Melissa Woo, Mark Crase, Bill Yock, Michael Gettes, Jack Suess, Susan Kelley
With: John Krienke, Steve Zoppi
Approval of Minutes
The minutes from August 4, 2014, were approved.
TechEx Schedule
- Steering will meet F2F on Monday, Oct. 27, 8 am – noon
- Subcommittees have time reserved Sunday, Oct. 26, 7-9:30 pm, for meetings
- Steering will present a CAMP track session on Weds., Oct. 29, 8:15-9:00 am (John O’Keefe is confirmed; Joel Cooper or Jack Suess may help)
- There is also an opportunity to have a lunchtime discussion at ACAMP (Tuesday, Oct. 28) (important that Steve Zoppi be there)
- As a reminder, InCommon will cover the cost of your registration and hotel – if you need that information, please email Dean (
Presentation – TechEx and Educause Annual Meeting
Klara reviewed a draft of a presentation for both TechEx and Educause.
The goals of the presentation are to:
- Remind the community about the purpose and scope of InCommon and its role
- Describe the role and organization of the Steering Committee
- Describe the planning process undertaken in 2014 and goals/priorities for 2014 and 2015
- Communicate why these priorities matter
The presentation will be somewhat more in-depth for TechEx. For Educause, the purpose is to provide a high-level overview, and highlight the large increase in service providers joining InCommon, the multifactor program, and the role of affiliates in helping campuses.
(AI) John O’Keefe and John Krienke will revise the slides that deal with goals, priorities, progress and accomplishments.
(AI) Klara will edit the TIER overview slide. The presentation will include just one overview slide for TIER. After revision the slide deck will be circulated to Steering.
TIER Charter Subcommittee
The subcommittee is continuing its work to define the development efforts and characterize priorities and implementation process.
Outreach to CIOs
The main opportunity for CIO outreach is Educause. Previous discussion had identified R&S as the first topic for outreach, however there is ongoing work to harmonize InCommon R&S and REFEDS R&S, with the goal of adopting the final REFEDS category. This work is expected to wrap up at the REFEDS meeting at TechEx, so communication to CIOs is premature at this point.
Steve Carmody asked that a framework for CIO communications be developed prior to TechEx, with the idea that R&S will be the first message delivered in that framework. Klara committed to contacting CIOs that need to implement R&S, as well as thanking those who already have adopted R&S.
Jack asked that a promotional piece be available at TechEx registration promoting R&S. (AI) John Krienke will follow-up with Dean.
The nominations advisory committee will form at the October Steering meeting. Anyone interested in serving on that committee should email Klara.
eduGAIN Update
John K. reported on the press release that was distributed in conjunction with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee concerning the pilot with LIGO and eduGAIN.
The eduGAIN/interfederation working group is meeting weekly, with the goal of providing recommendations for changes to policy documents (participation agreement and the FOPP).
InCommon is looking at implementing a pilot to import eduGAIN IdPs into a metadata aggregate (separate from the InCommon production aggregate).
SHA-2 and InCommon Certificates
InCommon and Comodo are developing new Certificate Authorities that would provide certificates that support SHA-2 (which is a requirement of Microsoft, Google and others). While virtually all mainstream applications (such as common web servers and popular web browsers) already support certs using SHA-2, legacy SHA-1 certs will remain available from the Certificate Service to accommodate any apps that haven't yet become SHA-2-ready
Suggested Topics for Future Calls
- NSTIC update from Jack (Oct or Nov meeting OK)
- Discussion of Steering’s role in light of two discussions on the participants email list (requiring encryption from service providers, frequency of metadata refresh)
Next Meeting
Monday, October 6, 2014
4 pm ET | 3 pm CT | 2 pm MT | 1 pm PT