InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - July 7, 2014
Attending: Bill Yock, John O’Keefe, Melissa Woo, Joel Cooper, Dennis Cromwell, Michael Gettes, Steve Carmody, Mark Crase, Dave Vernon, Susan Kelley, Klara Jelinkova, Chris Holmes
With: John Krienke, Ann West, Steve Zoppi, Dean Woodbeck (scribe)
Action Items
(AI) John Krienke – move forward with the edugain/LIGO interfederation pilot.
(AI) The ERG subcommittee will begin deliberations on the policy changes needed for interfederation.
(AI) The ERG subcommittee will work to refine the R&S survey of CIOs.
The minutes from June 2, 2014, were unanimously approved.
edugain Policy and Legal Modifications
John Krienke discussed a need to move forward with a pilot project that would involve exporting the metadata aggregate to edugain. At its April meeting, Steering approved the edugain declaration with the provision that the necessary policy changes take place prior to any release of metadata. Progress on the international Research & Scholarship standard, which InCommon has helped drive, has reached a point where LIGO, NSF, and others have expressed a need for the metadata exchange with edugain.
Steering members expressed the need to be agile and move quickly, when necessary. As a result, InCommon will move ahead with the edugain pilot with LIGO, while continuing to make deliberate progress on the policy issues.
John Krienke also discussed the need for a working group to consider the policy changes. The External Relations and Governance subcommittee will initially take this up, with Steve Carmody also bringing forward issues from TAC.
There are two other issues to consider, in terms of policy changes. One involves the post-Heartbleed analysis of whether InCommon can/should probe sites to determine vulnerabilities. There is also a desire to extend the Google Gateway to R&S service providers, but policy changes would be needed for conformance.
Steering Face-to-Face at October Technology Exchange
Two times were proposed for a Steering Face-to-Face at the Technology Exchange, Oct. 26-30 in Indianapolis (Monday or Tuesday evening). There was no preference expressed for one time or the other.
Research & Scholarship Update
There is a continued need to expand the number of IdPs releasing the R&S attributes, but moving to the international standard has added a wrinkle. We want to communicate with CIOs just once; ideally after we have made the move to the international version. InCommon operations is working with service providers to migrate to the international version, which needs to happen before communicating with identity providers.
The IdP plan will involving asking those that currently support R&S to migrate to the international version, then work on attracting support from additional IdPs.
There was discussion about splitting the proposed survey of CIOs, asking current R&S supporters about “lessons learned,” and asking potential R&S supporters about their adoption. (AI) The External Relations and Governance Committee will take up this topic.
The goal is to have an R&S communications program set up by the beginning of August, in advance of the Aug. 26-28 cybersecurity summit.
Net+ and TIER Budget
The Internet2 board’s audit and finance subcommittee will receive the proposed budget the week of July 14, and the full board will take up the 2015 budget at its meeting in early August.
TIER Charter Subcommittee
The TIER Charter Subcommittee has met twice and has developed an outline of what a charter should look like. They are on schedule to have a proposal for discussion at the EDUCAUSE annual conference in late September.
Peking University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences
These institutions have expressed an interest in interfederation and there has been discussion about a pilot. There are a number of legal and political issues that need resolution before a pilot could take place. The issue is being studied by staff and legal counsel and will likely come back to Steering in September.
IGTF Certificate Rollout
The new IGTF-approved certificates, for use with the grid and science cyberinfrastructure, are now available through the InCommon Certificate Service at no additional cost to subscribers.
John Krienke reported that the Symplicity issue and analysis continues internally. So far, it appears that federation infrastructure and university identity management systems were not involved. Discussions will continue in the ERG subcommittee for report back to full Steering.
Program Subcommittee Report
The subcommittee has a little work left to finalize the 2014 priorities and continues to work on priority development for 2015.
Next Meeting
Monday, August 4, 2014
4 pm ET | 3 pm CT | 2 pm MT | 1 pm PT