Migration Plan for New Version of Assurance Profiles

As you may recall, InCommon released a new version of the Assurance Framework and Profiles (v. 1.2) in February 2013. As a follow-on to that, the InCommon Assurance Advisory Committee and the InCommon Steering Committee have approved a migration plan for moving certified IdP Operators from v. 1.1 to v. 1.2. While this does not affect every InCommon participant, we wanted to announce this to keep everyone informed. To find out if you are affected, please review the list of certified Identity Provider Operators.

The InCommon Assurance Program currently includes two profiles, Bronze and Silver, designed to increase confidence and reduce risk for service providers, and allow for federated access to financial and health-related applications, sensitive research information, and other services that require greater confidence in an identity. For more information, please visit assurance.incommon.org.

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