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InCommon Steering Committee Minutes, July 29, 2013
Attending: Mark Crase, Chris Holmes, Joel Cooper, Klara Jelinkova, Jack Suess, Michael Gettes, Craig Stewart, John O’Keefe
With: John Krienke, Ann West, Joe St Sauver, Dean Woodbeck (scribe), Mary Dunker, Steve Devoti
It was moved/seconded to approve the minutes from June 17, 2013, and July 1, 2013. Passed.
Migrating Assurance Certification from v1.1 to v1.2
Steve Devoti and Mary Dunker joined from the Assurance Advisory Committee to discuss the AAC-developed migration plan from Assurance v1.1 documents to v1.2. The AAC provide three documents:
- A DIF document that highlights the changed criteria that affects continued compliance
- A process for certifying an IdPO from 1.1. to 1.2 for compliance (an audit is not necessary)
- A request for update form that campuses will sign to attest to their compliance with the new spec.
The AAC chose January 29, 2014 as the deadline for compliance (this affects only one IdPO – Virginia Tech). That date is six months from the date that Steering approved the migration documents.
It was moved/seconded to approve these three documents and the migration plan from v.1.1 to v.1.2. Passed unanimously.
Bronze as Baseline
As an informational item, the AAC has drafted a proposal calling for Bronze to replace the POP (thus, all IdPs would need to be Bronze-certified). This is in the talking stages now among the staff and the TAC.
Governance and Operating Principles
Mark has updated the governance and operating principles document, based on the most recent meeting with Shel. Mark has added “related 2013 activities” to each section, documenting what needs to happen by the end of the calendar year 2013.
The revised document is here:
2013 activities include:
- Governance
- Publish a schedule of Steering Committee meetings for the remainder of the calendar year.
- Publish Approved meeting minutes
- Planning
- Develop a framework for a bi-annual? InCommon strategic planning exercise.
- Community Engagement
- Publish the InCommon Steering Committee’s Role In Trusted Identity in Education and Research document.
- Publish final version of Steering Committee Governance & Operating Principles.
- Conduct Community Forums at the annual Internet 2 and EDUCAUSE meetings. [Is it possible to schedule this for the Anaheim meeting?
- Develop an InCommon communications plan.
- Finance and Budget
- Work with Internet 2 to develop a standard, periodic financial reporting mechanism for the Steering Committee.
- Work with Internet 2 to develop an annual report of InCommon’s operating and financial status for the InCommon community.
- Operations
- Reconcile Shel’s concerns with this section of the Governance & Operating Principles.
- Work with Shel to finalize Executive Director position description.
In addition to these actions, it was agreed that Steering should begin to assume that it has responsibility for Internet2’s TIER (Trusted Identity in Education and Research) initiative and act accordingly.
There was discussion about developing effective communications to CIOs, as part of efforts to become more transparent. This might mean greater use of the InCommon exec email list.
There was discussion about the Steering nominations and election process. In general, there is a desire to be more transparent, and also to determine whether the nomination process and/or the make-up of Steering needs revision. A governance subcommittee will likely be established for this purpose.
Jack suggested a focus on communications over the next two months, with an eye toward releasing the governance/operations documents developed over the last couple of months. Next week’s exec call will focus on the communications about, and release of these documents.
There was also discussion about starting to communicate with groups/projects now (CIFER, for instance, or the regional/K12 pilots). Starting to meet with such groups, and assume responsibility for TIER, means looking at Steering’s composition and how it is organized. Subcommittees and working groups might be in order.
Metadata Aggregates
John Krienke provided information concerning a pilot for InCommon to produce multiple metadata aggregates. The pilot involves producing an aggregate for Carnegie Mellon, which has many local-only SPs. There is also interest in such a service that is related to the Quilt pilots with regional connectors and K-12. This service could be the first of several advanced services that InCommon might bundle and provide for a fee.
- Steering Exec Meeting – Aug. 5, 2013, 4 pm ET
- InCommon Steering Meeting – August 12, 2013, 4 pm ET