InCommon Steering Meeting Minutes June 3, 2013
Attending: Jack Suess, Mark Crase, Chris Holmes, Rodney Petersen, John O’Keefe, Ardoth Hassler, Klara Jelinkova, Steve Carmody, Kevin Morooney, Craig Stewart
With: John Krienke, Dean Woodbeck (scribe), Ann West, Andrew Keating, Khalil Yazdi
Minutes from Previous Meetings
Approval of the minutes from May 6 and May 20 will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Action Items
(AI) Add to each future meeting agenda – approval of minutes
(AI) The Business Maturity subgroup (Mark, Kevin, Michael) was asked to add some specific next steps in each of the five areas outlined in the document they developed (for June 17 meeting)
Minutes from Previous Meetings
(AI) Jack will ask John Krienke, Ken Klingenstein, Tom Barton, and Steven Carmody to join a small committee to discuss current software development activities.
Approval of the minutes from May 6 and May 20 will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Planning Process – Software Development Activities
Jack discussed convening a small committee to discuss current software development activities. Steering will not have day-to-day monitoring or management responsibilities for these, but will need to receive periodic project updates, including the need for resources and progress on timelines and roadmaps. This committee will be asked to develop a proposal for Steering’s role. Jack will ask John Krienke, Ken Klingenstein, Tom Barton, and Steven Carmody to join. The meeting day/time will be distributed to the Steering email list and other Steering members are welcome to join.
First Readings
NSTIC Letter of Support – Kantara and SAFE-BIoPharma have developed a letter of support for the NSTIC program and is asking InCommon to join in signing the letter. The purpose is to demonstrate support from trust framework providers for NSTIC and its efforts, as well as showing others that some communities have successfully formed federations. The letter does not commit InCommon to additional work, and is a non-binding show of support. Jack will suggest a clause to the letter writers that would clarify that additional meetings and communications would occur to the extent feasible by the organizations.
InCommon Business Maturity – Kevin, Michael, and Mark developed a document that outlines principles of how InCommon should operate with respect to five areas: governance, planning, communications, finance/budget, and operations. The TAC identity landscape work may feed into this, as well. This will be scheduled for discussion on June 17. (AI) The subgroup was asked to add some immediate next steps in each area.
Docusign as a Net+ Service
Khalil Yazdi and Andrew Keating (Internet2 Net+ staff) joined the call to discuss the status of Docusign, since there seem to be identity and possibly assurance ramifications.
Docusign is in the Service Validation mode, and that process will start with an all-day meeting Thursday that includes the universities involved (Temple, Penn State, and the University of Alaska are three). Alaska has sponsored Docusign’s InCommon participation. The Thursday meeting will include the development of a list of use cases for the Docusign product, and there appear to be many on a typical college campus. Andrew will provide a meeting agenda and call coordinates for any who would like to join for all or part of the day.
Microsoft Office365
Khalil will join a future Steering call to provide an update on discussions with Microsoft concerning federation and Office365.
Proposed Service by Affiliation Category
Steve Carmody provided a brief overview of a proposed new category of service providers, Service by Affiliation (SbA). Identity providers that join this category would release, by default, “affiliation” attribute values. The current use case includes service providers that want to offer discounted services for students. There are no privacy concerns. There was discussion about whether there is any liability for InCommon in linking a student with a discount service (for example). Discussion will continue at the next Steering meeting.
InCert Tool
John provided a brief update on the InCert personal certificate installation tool. Ken is at Terena this week and will be gauging international interest in the tool.
Monday, June 17, 2013