AD-Assurance Notes from August 30
Michael Brogan, U Washington
Jeff Capehart, UFL
Eric Goodman, UCOP
David Walker, Internet2/InCommon
Ann West, Internet2/InCommon
Next Call
August 6 at Noon ET
+1-734-615-7474 PREFERRED
Interpretations of critical criteria for which we're providing guidance
What do we need to change to release the cookbook?
Eric will revise the cookbook to:
- Add ToC to the top
- Update to address new info from AAC
- Normalize structure
- Macro to include outline numbers - David W
- Macro for line numbers - Ann W
- Include spec interpretation section for each criteria
However first we need to verify the interpretation of the spec for which we're providing guidance.
AI - Eric to develop interpretation write up and share with the group before the next call.
On the next call, we'll talk about the wording and get that aligned with the group's view and then Ann will send to the AAC like last time.