
  1. Close out discussion of user facing integration strategies. Discussion led by Nate and Nirmal
  2. Demonstation of Balsamiq and some wire frames built at ConnectEDU. Discussion led by Jeff Alderson
  3. Kick off the CommIT user facing wire frames work. Assign action items and clarify expectations and deadlines.


Nirmal and Nate described some of the finishing touches they put on the stories and flows for the Integration strategies. They created a unified flow for IS2 that would allow for the creation of a singe wireframe model to represent all the flows in IS2. IS1 was discussed, and Nate described the differences between IS1 and Flow 1 of IS2. Primarily IS1 has no button for local login, which impacts the downstream flows. For the sake of continuity, Nate is going to replace the current IS1 flow diagram with a modified version of IS2 flow 1. (This work is complete) General agreement that we are sufficiently advanced in the stories and flows to commence work on the wireframes, with the caveat that there will likely be some adjustments made to the flows as the wireframe work progresses.

The team has agreed to a tentative goal of finishing wireframes by March.


Khalil will provide Box folder to share Balsamiq files

Jeff will provide someone from ConnectEDU

Jim Leous

Mike Simpson (ACT)

Arnie Miles (Georgetown)

We are working based upon the assumption that users will initially begin at a service provider and try to access the secured resources that is hosted by the service provider. Other flows are possible within the framework, but this is not our primary goal for the first phase of the prototype. We will also look at a CommIT portal.

General agreement that completing the account creation prototype before the March deadline will be our definition of success. Given that authentication demonstrations tend to be boring, if we don't finish an aggregation prototype before the meeting we will finish with slides demonstrating how the credentials will be leveraged.

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