OIDC-OAuth Deployment WG | |
Last Month | |
This Month | - Refine WG charter and workplan for 2019; coordinate with TAC
- Contribute to IAM Online – "OpenID Connect and OAuth in the R&E Community"
Roadblocks | |
Streamlining SP Onboarding WG | |
This Month | |
Attributes for Collaboration and Federation WG | |
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Deployment Profile Working Group | |
| - Presented nearly completed work at TechEx in front of a much more crowded than expected room. Got some good additional community feedback
- Finishing some final edits to our revised SAML2int
- Plan to pass the revised SAML2int to Kantara soon for community review and ratification.
- Recommended a work item to REFEDs to standardize logo requirements across federations for logos in metadata
- Working on final report and then to share with InCommon TAC and Steering soon (targeted for community consultation in January 2019); report includes recommendations for follow-on work to create an R&E-specific deployment profile. https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/tw6MBw