- Created by scottwoods@unitedid.org, last modified by dominic.martinez@at.internet2.edu on Feb 05, 2025
- [IFMC-2958] - Make the IAM Identifier column more descriptive
- [IFMC-2967] - Entity Attributes > Attribute Value format support
- [IFMC-2968] - Entity attributes layout - SA
- [IFMC-2969] - Entity attributes layout - RA
- [IFMC-2959] - Fix AWS gem dependencies -- move all to latest version
[IFMC-2922] - Refactor the 'SP counts' page
[IFMC-2923] - Create a new 'IdP counts' page
[IFMC-2932] - eduroam instid lookup
[IFMC-2933] - Update FM login page UI
[IFMC-2946] - Update FM login page layout - Improvisations
[IFMC-2948] - SA Dashboard > Existing Identity Providers table > Copy update
[IFMC-2955] - Update IAM invitation email copy
[IFMC-2944] - IAM enrollment rake task needs an update to handle iam_enabled
[IFMC-2917] - Discovery/Research of dev work
[IFMC-2943] - Sentry Error: IPAddr::InvalidAddressError
[IFMC-2942] - SNS outbound messaging
- [IFMC-2926] - Errors in Radius Server (IdP Realms and eduroam Hotspots) are not reported back in full on the front-end
[IFMC-2919] - Refactor RA dashboard with REACT
[IFMC-2931] - IAM enrollment dashboard message copy updates for unenrolled users
[IFMC-2940] - Look at CSS updates for roles
[IFMC-2899] - Restrict role addition for a user based on an organization's subscription
[IFMC-2921] - SP counts page > Only highlight organizations with 51 or more SPs
[IFMC-2924] - Disallow private networks for any eduroam RADIUS servers address
[IFMC-2925] - Require a minimum of 4 characters for an eduroam support contact
[IFMC-2908] - Update the RA view > Roles tab > Active Roles panel
[IFMC-2910] - Update the 'IAM Data' panel on a user's page to include IAM status
[IFMC-2920] - eduroam test request page scope data to eduroam only
[IFMC-2888] - Refactor expiring certs
- [IFMC-2879] - Remove restrictions on adding IdP realm(s)
- [IFMC-2880] - Acknowledgement field for the addition of a new IdP realm
- [IFMC-2881] - Always show 'Add a New IdP Realm panel'
- [IFMC-2882] - Updates to Support Organization eduroam Dashboard
- [IFMC-2883] - Remove task true_up_max_idp_realms
- [IFMC-2884] - Updates to RA view > Organization dashboard > eduroam tab
- [IFMC-2896] - Upon delete of an eduroam realm, trigger a republish of the configuration
- [IFMC-2904] - Copy update for Attribute scopes function
- [IFMC-2909] - Remove the Incomplete/Pending IAM Enrollment(s) panel from UI
- [IFMC-2912] - Include a count on Active eduroam Organizations with 0 Admins panel
- [IFMC-2918] - Refine user audit logs
[IFMC-2722] - Consolidate 'read from .csv' blocks from eduroam tasks
[IFMC-2848] - Restructure and Refine InCommon Site Administrator Dashboard
[IFMC-2867] - Step 1 - Review roles code usage
[IFMC-2870] - Review use of FM:ENABLE_BASELINE and remove dependencies
[IFMC-2886] - Rake task - Find users with an active eA role but have not enrolled in IAM
[IFMC-2892] - New panel on ra/eduroam page
[IFMC-2900] - InCommon: RA > View Parent Organization
[IFMC-2901] - eduroam: RA > View Parent Organization
[IFMC-2907] - Link version number to release notes
v8.6.5 (includes v8.6.4)
[IFMC-2902] - SENTRY: FM-HB - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `provider'
[IFMC-2843] - Review IAM_enrollment_allowed status throughout the FM - Any phase
[IFMC-2865] - Step 2 - Rake Task for Organizational Contacts
[IFMC-2872] - Your Current Roles - Dashboard Refinement
[IFMC-2876] - Identify and update entities at inactive organizations
[IFMC-2889] - Update UI - RA view > Organization dashboard > Roles tab
[IFMC-2890] - Update /ra/eduroam
[IFMC-2893] - Updates to RA > Organization > eduroam > Subscription dropdown
[IFMC-2894] - Updates to RA > Organization > Roles tab
[IFMC-2897] - Update error message
[IFMC-2898] - SA Dashboard - Make admins optional
[IFMC-2838] - Update eduroam configuration to include instid relationship between eSO and constituents
[IFMC-2840] - Restructure and Refine eduroam Support Organization Dashboard
[IFMC-2863] - Reduce memory usage of app:trim_eduroam task
[IFMC-2873] - org to eSO RA updates - eduroam Constituents panel
[IFMC-2874] - org to eSO RA updates - restrict eSOA role
[IFMC-2814] - refactor to remove the provider HttpInterface
[IFMC-2842] - Google maps error for brand new organization
[IFMC-2790] - Metadata has been published email copy update (MDQ Update)
[IFMC-2839] - Delete Organization Rake Task
[IFMC-2845] - Copy Updates to Development - Rake Tasks for IAM enrollment email use cases
[IFMC-2846] - Updates to IAM enrollment cleared and IAM enrollment invitation
[IFMC-2847] - FM login page copy updates
[IFMC-2834] - eFM > Service Locations > Location details bug
[IFMC-2760] - Development - Revisit IAM invite rake task
[IFMC-2793] - Update user audit logs - Show Clear Enrollment log activity
[IFMC-2800] - Development - Rake Tasks for IAM enrollment email use cases
[IFMC-2803] - Development - Update new Site Administrator onboarding 'SEND' button behavior
[IFMC-2807] - Update user audit logs - Show IAM Enrollment invitation email activities
[IFMC-2813] - Refactor to remove React Console warnings: EdP#Service Location
[IFMC-2825] - Investigate the default no. of max IdP realms for an org
[IFMC-2826] - Development - IAM enrollment banner
[IFMC-2827] - Identify and/or make the rake tasks that make a user
[IFMC-2829] - Development - On login, pick up loginID from SAML attributes
[IFMC-2830] - Development - Group IAM login data on user show page
[IFMC-2831] - Migration - update the user model
[IFMC-2832] - Development - Rake Task
[IFMC-2833] - IAM enrollment email copy update
[IFMC-2835] - Allow RAs to assign roles to existing users at inactive orgs
[IFMC-2837] - Update eduroam ro.json file
[IFMC-2841] - Republishing the current edp aggregate
[IFMC-2816] - post Rails upgrade: silence deprecation warning when running rspec
[IFMC-2818] - remove ignored rules in rubocop and refactor
[IFMC-2836] - revisit reactivate logic on a role and the ra roles controller
[IFMC-2819] - Sentry error on ra organizations Incommon tab
[IFMC-2820] - Collapse and Expand All feature not functioning
[IFMC-2822] - Sentry - ActionView::Template::Error OpsController#index
[IFMC-2672] - Rails version upgrade - 1st week of February '24
[IFMC-2775] - js fix: enable linting for and fix key events for jsx-ally (Aria compatibility) errors
[IFMC-2791] - Your Current Roles - Cleanup and Refine Dashboard & Header Dropdown
[IFMC-2810] - Development - Update copy for case where IAM enrolled user logs in via Devise
[IFMC-2812] - Refactor to remove React Console warnings: IdP#metadata_health
[IFMC-2817] - Banner confirmation message copy updates
[IFMC-2821] - Your Current Roles - Further Refinement
- [IFMC-2165] - Update javascript packages
- [IFMC-2776] - Update React components to take advantage of React 18
- [IFMC-2794] - IAM token_created_at copy update
- [IFMC-2805] - API - eduroam roles feed (grafana_provisioning)
- [IFMC-2806] - IAM enrollment email - Update copy of confirmation message
- [IFMC-2811] - Refactor to remove React Console warnings: IdP, SP, DAs, edP, eAs, edp testing, esoa dashboard - on load
- [IFMC-2780] - ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: EA roles are not allowed for a eduroam Support Organization
- [IFMC-2713] - Add eduroam Support Organization to the eduroam subscription dropdown options
- [IFMC-2763] - Refine eduroam compatibility on roles
- [IFMC-2785] - Update eduroam Organization tab to include new address changes for new addresses
- [IFMC-2788] - Update domain regex
- [IFMC-2789] - New User with invalid Role, show error message
- [IFMC-2784] - Update DA add/remove email from sender
- [IFMC-2778] - Update the eFM Service Locations Form
- [IFMC-2783] - Rake task to update support org subscription type
- [IFMC-2786] - Update support organization entries for institution.json validation
- [IFMC-2584] - Add restrictions to EA dashboard
- [IFMC-2777] - Update the IAM enrollment email copy
- [IFMC-2781] - Update email grade rake task to allow email list in partial runs
- [IFMC-2692] - Site Admin IdP-, SP-management Spec
- [IFMC-2695] - Eduroam Service Locations Management Spec
- [IFMC-2696] - Eduroam Contact People Management Spec
- [IFMC-2698] - Radius Servers Management Spec (Relying Party)
- [IFMC-2699] - Eduroam Organization Address Management Spec
- [IFMC-2745] - Site Admin IdP Review Spec
- [IFMC-2767] - Eduroam Realms Management Spec
- [IFMC-2755] - ActionView::Template::Error: no implicit conversion of Integer into String
- [IFMC-2702] - Trigger an email when an RA adds an eA role for a user
- [IFMC-2742] - Updates to the InCommon Certificate Service Indicator
- [IFMC-2753] - Remove Salesforce ID from a new constituent
- [IFMC-2756] - Trigger an email when an RA adds an eSOA role for a user
- [IFMC-2693] - Site Admin SP SSO Management Spec - Backend Existence Check
- [IFMC-2546] - NoMethodError: undefined method `submit_entity!' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-2712] - ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError: Attempted to update a stale object: Sp.
- [IFMC-2734] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `each' for "fm.prod.eduroam.mq.monitoring":String
- [IFMC-2748] - ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError: Attempted to update a stale object: Sp.
- [IFMC-2405] - Email notifying cert service added may not get sent
- [IFMC-2549] - Output logs as JSON lines using OpenTelemetry schema
- [IFMC-2661] - Caching - Investigate and describe excluding grades after a certain time period
- [IFMC-2662] - Caching - Clean task to remove duplicate URL grades
- [IFMC-2707] - Remove/Delete user rake task
- [IFMC-2721] - Update SA access mailer to use variables for URLs
- [IFMC-2725] - Copy Change - Update Administrator(s) contacts to be called Site Administrators
- [IFMC-2731] - Add/Remove Delegated Administrator Mailer
- [IFMC-2691] - Site Admin Metadata Health Spec
- [IFMC-2724] - ActionView::Template::Error: Tried to load unspecified class: ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::DelayedJobAdapter::JobWrapper
- [IFMC-2447] - Add env var for tests that allows focused specs
- [IFMC-2671] - Ruby version upgrade - 1st week of January '24
- [IFMC-2685] - ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template api/entities/metadata, api/application/metadata, application/metadata with {:loc...
- [IFMC-2688] - NameError: uninitialized constant RaoRegistrationsController::ConfirmationMailer
- [IFMC-2714] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `entity_name' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-2715] - Update production URL in mailer
- [IFMC-2708] - Consolidate duplicate organizations rake task
- [IFMC-2582] - Site administrator access to a different organization - Email copy
- [IFMC-2583] - New Site Administrator - Set your password - Email copy
- [IFMC-2615] - Adding an additional scope
- [IFMC-2643] - Identify duplicate users
- [IFMC-2665] - Investigate and describe the emails that are currently not in use in FM
- [IFMC-2677] - Remove unused mailers
- [IFMC-2678] - Update import_email_grades Rake Task
- [IFMC-2681] - Minimum 3 characters for the name in the contact form
- [IFMC-2682] - Move the existing in-use mailers into their new mailer views
- [IFMC-2684] - eduroam radius secret requirements
- [IFMC-2686] - Remove the Send Reminder button and cert_warn_renewal mailer
- [IFMC-2689] - Refactor metadata and metadata_removed mailers
- [IFMC-2694] - Radius Secret - Update guidance copy
- [IFMC-2700] - Radius Secret - Validation
- [IFMC-2701] - Radius Server could not be saved: Red Banner
- [IFMC-2705] - Update IAM Enrollment Email Copy
- [IFMC-2710] - Improve Metadata Health Dashboard UI
- [IFMC-2644] - Identify duplicate organizations
- [IFMC-2647] - Investigate user with email webmaster@anyroam.net
- [IFMC-2652] - Recent Test Requests and Results Index page
- [IFMC-2655] - Change the eduroam log viewer URL
- [IFMC-2659] - Update scan timing from 6 hours to 30 minutes
- [IFMC-2667] - New Entity Checker (Scan) button for the RAs
- [IFMC-2630] - Integration Tests metadata health tab
- [IFMC-2651] - Enhance Metadata Health page
- [IFMC-2654] - Update the roles panel on the users page
- [IFMC-2649] - Update to baseline:export_metadata_emails
- [IFMC-2648] - Test IdP Realm(s) - Sent Requests List
- [IFMC-2650] - update to filter criteria for baseline:request_healthchecks
- [IFMC-2581] - Remove the Home button in the FM footer
- [IFMC-2611] - Contact Check - Create a rake task for grade reconciliation
- [IFMC-2638] - Update warning messages - InCommon unpublish
- [IFMC-2639] - Update warning messages - InCommon delete
- [IFMC-2642] - URL Panel - Tooltip hover
- [IFMC-2645] - Export emails from Aggregate
- [IFMC-2552] - Rake task - Queue up entity batches triggered by a scheduled job
- [IFMC-2569] - Consume check response messages
- [IFMC-2607] - Contact Check - Pull out email addresses
- [IFMC-2617] - Metadata Health - System action on clicking "Initiate New Scan" button
- [IFMC-2620] - Metadata Health - Brief Description Text
- [IFMC-2629] - New Wiki page for URL Health Status
- [IFMC-2632] - Metadata Health tab > Contact Health Status
- [IFMC-2633] - Metadata Health tab > URL Health Status
- [IFMC-2631] - new model validation: ProviderValidators validate across provider types
- [IFMC-2563] - SQS Proof of concept
- [IFMC-2566] - Entity Check Request message
- [IFMC-2604] - URL Grades
- [IFMC-2616] - Metadata Health - Remove Last Scan's Timestamp
- [IFMC-2618] - Error handling for entities with no grades
- [IFMC-2619] - Metadata Health - Consolidate TLS panels
- [IFMC-2621] - Update SA dashboard to show "current" TLS grades
- [IFMC-2622] - Links on the Metadata Health tab
- [IFMC-2628] - Published URL records
- [IFMC-2572] - Develop UI updates to SA entity dashboard
- [IFMC-2575] - Proof out saving models
- [IFMC-2580] - 'MDQ' via API
- [IFMC-2588] - Grade status scope
- [IFMC-2597] - From Saml methods for contact people
- [IFMC-2598] - Update json grade references in the front end for main TLS scores
- [IFMC-2599] - use published contact person records for metadata health tab
- [IFMC-2600] - Add URL relations to IdPs and SPs
- [IFMC-2520] - Rules for Max IdP Realms for eduroam orgs should match the current realm count
- [IFMC-2548] - Update SA dashboard Changes to Published Metadata diffing logic
- [IFMC-2576] - NoMethodError: undefined method `tls_score' for #<Idp id: 791, entity_name: "https://shibboleth.rush.edu/idp/shi...
- [IFMC-2578] - ArgumentError: missing required parameter params[:bucket]
- [IFMC-2209] - Allow an RA to enable an SA role for an IAM enrolled user
- [IFMC-2381] - Update FM to save TLS grades instead of only the latest grade
- [IFMC-2445] - Email - Delegated Administrator {name} has been removed.
- [IFMC-2544] - UI upgrade for Testing - IdP Realms page
- [IFMC-2577] - Open a new tab for Help and Privacy Policy
- [IFMC-2579] - Refine UI on the new user form
- [IFMC-2241] - Update help link in eFM footer to point to spaces eduroam Knowledge base
- [IFMC-2550] - add required attributes from * Access entity categories to Requested Attributes
- [IFMC-2518] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined local variable or method `service_type' for #<ActionView::Base:0x000000000dbab0>
- [IFMC-2506] - Show RP testing removal button after 10 minutes
- [IFMC-2497] - ActionView::Template::Error: uninitialized constant Formtastic::Util
- [IFMC-2250] - Update account linking error to show by eduroam/IAM panel
- [IFMC-2390] - RA - Add Activate link to InCommon tab
- [IFMC-2391] - Upgrade Bootstrap
- [IFMC-2417] - (1) Retire legacy DA login - FM
- [IFMC-2431] - RA - Add Activate link to eduroam tab
- [IFMC-2479] - Integration Specs
- [IFMC-2494] - RA - Impersonate SA
- [IFMC-2499] - SA api specs for assigning and unassigning a DA
- [IFMC-2509] - eduroam copy updates
- [IFMC-2511] - Do no show RAO and/or InC Exec roles to the user
- [IFMC-2512] - Max IdP Realms for eduroam orgs should match the current realm count
- [IFMC-2515] - RA - Impersonate eA
- [IFMC-2498] - ActionView::Template::Error: uninitialized constant #<Class:0x000055c3c8d2dae8>::Agregate
- [IFMC-2505] - ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Eduroam child orgs is invalid
- [IFMC-2508] - NameError: undefined local variable or method `logger' for DuoVerify:Module
- [IFMC-2492] - More than 1 eduroam admin should not be able to request certificate at the same time (for same org)
- [IFMC-2500] - Align and format form fields on the edit user or password page
- [IFMC-2501] - Align and format the edit InCommon Subscription page
- [IFMC-2502] - Align and format the Add a New Sub Organization page
- [IFMC-2503] - Align the save and cancel buttons on the error URL tab
- [IFMC-2504] - Align the save and cancel buttons on the User Interface Elements tab
- [IFMC-2163] - Ruby Upgrades (2023)
- [IFMC-2480] - IAM enrolled SA should not see 'Edit Password'
- [IFMC-2491] - Copy Update
- [IFMC-2485] - Failure case for RP responses
- [IFMC-2487] - Request Certificate button lag
- [IFMC-2489] - Shift the status of the request a certificate to the right
Bug fix to resolve eduroam IdP testing regression
- [IFMC-2430] - After gating variable is true, remove old code
- [IFMC-2434] - Update Salesforce dependencies
- [IFMC-2449] - Testing button in the top nav bar
- [IFMC-2451] - Tabbed testing page with testing options
- [IFMC-2452] - First tab on the tabbed testing page
- [IFMC-2453] - Second tab on the tabbed testing page
- [IFMC-2454] - Request a certificate for testing
- [IFMC-2455] - Send message - certificate request
- [IFMC-2456] - Receive message - certificate response
- [IFMC-2457] - Download a certificate for testing
- [IFMC-2460] - Download Installation Packages
- [IFMC-2466] - Regression test IdP testing to some degree after RP testing is complete
- [IFMC-2472] - Create an environment variable to show/hide RP testing
- [IFMC-2477] - Layout of RP testing
- [IFMC-2478] - Expiration and display logic for certificate test requests
- [IFMC-2482] - Remove login functionality from legacy DA login 'door'
- [IFMC-2486] - Testing page access logic for eduroam admin
Bug fix to resolve DUO password reset phone call regression
- [IFMC-2404] - Remove 'Exception' as an option for New IdPs
- [IFMC-2470] - Resize buttons on the View/Edit page of an SP in 'Editing' status
- [IFMC-2471] - Resize button on the Review and Submit tab/section of Add a New IDP
- [IFMC-2467] - Better align copy on SP > Signing/Encryption Keys
- [IFMC-2461] - update INC constant reference - ActionView::Template::Error: uninitialized constant #<Class:0x000055b472edd268>::INC
- [IFMC-2394] - Manage Delegated Administrators
- [IFMC-2395] - Assign SP Metadata
- [IFMC-2396] - Login page updates
- [IFMC-2416] - Nav bar change
- [IFMC-2426] - Gate DA changes with an environment variable
- [IFMC-2429] - Update bin/rails eduroam:enable_iam_users_by_emails to be generic
- [IFMC-2432] - Rake Task - update imported users to be IAM 'linked'
- [IFMC-2440] - Hide 'Edit Password' for DA users
- [IFMC-2441] - Add Delegated Admin React App
- [IFMC-2442] - Warning message on legacy DA login
- [IFMC-2443] - Copy Update - IAM enrollment email
- [IFMC-2444] - Email - Delegated Administrator {name} has been created.
- [IFMC-2213] - This epic describes realm auto approval stories
- [IFMC-2436] - Remove empty status boxes
- [IFMC-2212] - eduroam Administrator clicks Add on new IdP Realm
- [IFMC-2215] - Remove realm submission email
- [IFMC-2216] - Keep realm approval (now that the realm has been added) email
- [IFMC-2217] - Remove 'Pending Realms' tab - SO dashboard
- [IFMC-2218] - Remove 'Pending Realm Validations' tab - RA eduroam dashboard
- [IFMC-2219] - Remove 'Pending Realm Validations' from org show page
- [IFMC-2220] - Add helper text for realms
- [IFMC-2387] - Remove status from realms - UI
- [IFMC-2389] - RA - Update Edit/Terminate links match user facing treatment
- [IFMC-2406] - Update Radius error message for EA editing secret
- [IFMC-2408] - Process that creates a .CSV
- [IFMC-2438] - Copy Update - eduroam Registration Authority Dashboard
- [IFMC-2419] - Rake Task - Identify Delegated Administrator (DA) populations for IAM import
- [IFMC-2424] - Rake Task - Identify Organization/SA/DA
- [IFMC-2162] - Update ruby Gems and JS packages to ensure that Julia can post commits
- [IFMC-2392] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `error_messages' for #<ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder:0x00007f924812f868>
- [IFMC-2397] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `status' for #<User:0x00007fc39c32c5a0>
- [IFMC-2398] - remove f.error_messages from old forms: ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `error_messages' for #<ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder:0x00007fdf1c25cd78>
- [IFMC-2400] - Error when rejecting an entity
- [IFMC-2401] - Error when unpublishing an entity
- [IFMC-2403] - Error for RA removing unpublished entity
- [IFMC-2164] - Update Rails to >= 6.0
- [IFMC-2383] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `display_name' for #<Organization:0x0000564a5777ff90>
- [IFMC-2385] - display name cleanup
- [IFMC-2016] - Remove Billing Contact Role/Data
- [IFMC-2235] - Remove organization_id from user model
- [IFMC-2236] - Add timestamp fields to address model
- [IFMC-2339] - Change displayname to display_name
- [IFMC-2359] - Update Role state machine to include Pending
- [IFMC-2367] - Idp Realms page with more than one realm has non-unique ids
- [IFMC-2382] - Add the ability to remove one delayed job at a time on ra/jobs page
- [IFMC-2384] - rake task to fill in Address timestamps
- [IFMC-1729] - Remove unused User and People fields
- [IFMC-2152] - This epic describes features needed to enable self service testing
- [IFMC-2378] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `realm_name' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-2340] - Test Realm link
- [IFMC-2341] - Test Realm(s) page
- [IFMC-2346] - Test Realm(s) nav item
- [IFMC-2347] - Test EAP-PEAP | EAP-TTLS (form)
- [IFMC-2348] - Test EAP-PEAP | EAP-TTLS (request message)
- [IFMC-2349] - Test EAP-PEAP | EAP-TTLS (encryption)
- [IFMC-2350] - Test Response (all)
- [IFMC-2352] - Test EAP-TLS (form)
- [IFMC-2353] - Test EAP-TLS (request message)
- [IFMC-2354] - Test EAP-TLS (encryption)
- [IFMC-2360] - Create TestRequest Model
- [IFMC-2361] - Test History Panel
- [IFMC-2369] - update eduroam:audit_iam_logins to be in line with termination feature
- [IFMC-2371] - Only approved realms should be eligible for IdP Testing
- [IFMC-2373] - Allow for multiple test responses per request
- [IFMC-2374] - Update More Information link on Test Realm(s) page
- [IFMC-2328] - VPAT for FM
- [IFMC-2329] - 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (WCAG A) - Partially Supports
- [IFMC-2330] - 1.4.1 Use of Color (WCAG A) - Partially Supports
- [IFMC-2331] - 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable (WCAG A) - Does not support
- [IFMC-2332] - 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (WCAG A) - Does not support
- [IFMC-2333] - 3.3.1 Error Identification (WCAG A) - Partially supports
- [IFMC-2334] - 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (WCAG A) - Partially supports
- [IFMC-2335] - 3.3.3 Error Suggestion (WCAG AA) - Partially supports
- [IFMC-2336] - 4.1.1 Parsing (WCAG A) - Does not support
- [IFMC-2337] - 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (WCAG A) - Partially supports
- [IFMC-2355] - 2.4.1 additional
- [IFMC-2356] - Organization object validation
- [IFMC-2358] - Roles - Pending Roles
- [IFMC-2299] - General Updates
- [IFMC-2317] - DA Login link
- [IFMC-2345] - SA role not defaulting to inactive
- [IFMC-2282] - Refactor RA core layout (DRY)
- [IFMC-2283] - SO duplicate organizations
- [IFMC-2300] - Resolve padding issue with field level validation
- [IFMC-2318] - copy update IAM enrollment email
- [IFMC-2285] - Update SA Help > Ask a Question link
- [IFMC-2026] - features not critical for launch, but fast follows
- [IFMC-2155] - This epic describes features to decommission an eduroam participant
- [IFMC-2257] - eduroam audit logging
- [IFMC-2319] - EA/ESOA role creation with invalid user
- [IFMC-2323] - ActionView::Template::Error: Missing partial entities/_status_box with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>[], :han...
- [IFMC-2237] - Create a 'lookup' feed for eduroam/website integration
- [IFMC-2320] - RA org show - eduroam tab
- [FMC-2321] - RA org show - InCommon tab
- [IFMC-2322] - RA org show - Organization tab
- [IFMC-2324] - SO dashboard - decommission, then edit
- [IFMC-2325] - Restrict ESOA access to inactive constituent
- [IFMC-2326] - RA org show - InCommon tab (updates)
- [IFMC-2327] - RA org show - Organization tab (updates)
- [IFMC-2143] - User management features for the Federation Manager with IAM factored in
- [IFMC-2301] - Adding/Removing an ESOA makes the constituent listing go blank
- [IFMC-2302] - SignalException: SIGTERM
- [IFMC-2189] - EA - Show 'Manage eduroam Administrators' in top nav
- [IFMC-2190] - ESOA - updates to Support Organization Dashboard
- [IFMC-2191] - Remove an eduroam role
- [IFMC-2192] - Add an eduroam user as an ESOA/EA role
- [IFMC-2193] - EA - Manage eduroam Administrators
- [IFMC-2194] - Removal email
- [IFMC-2195] - Add function for an eduroam user in ESOA/EA role
- [IFMC-2196] - Addition Email
- [IFMC-2197] - Resend Enrollment Email Link function
- [IFMC-2210] - SO dashboard, EA admin table cleanup
- [IFMC-2281] - Refactor incommon and eduroam core layouts (DRY)
- [IFMC-2286] - User model updates for client facing user management
- [IFMC-2287] - Devise user IAM platform enrollment messaging/button
- [IFMC-2297] - list eduroam Orgs without admin logins
- [IFMC-2298] - Updates per 5/16 discussion
- [IFMC-2303] - Ordering
- [IFMC-2315] - Constituent orgs do not need a minimum of 1 EA
- [IFMC-2316] - Editing a Constituent record causes the EAs listed to go away
- [IFMC-2187] - Show constituent who their SO is
- [IFMC-2258] - audit log - User
- [IFMC-2259] - audit log - Address
- [IFMC-2260] - audit log - ContactPerson
- [IFMC-2261] - audit log - EdpRecord
- [IFMC-2262] - audit log - Organization
- [IFMC-2263] - audit log - RadiusServer
- [IFMC-2264] - audit log - RelyingParty
- [IFMC-2265] - audit log - ServiceLocation
- [IFMC-2266] - audit log - Realm
- [IFMC-2267] - audit log - Edp
- [IFMC-2268] - show history (RA) - User/Role
- [IFMC-2269] - audit log - Role
- [IFMC-2271] - show history (RA) - Organization
- [IFMC-2275] - Copy update - IAM enrollment email
- [IFMC-2276] - Add unique organization name validation to SO dashboard
- [IFMC-2277] - RA view of Edp/EdpRecord diff
- [IFMC-2278] - Center 'Federation Manager'
- [IFMC-2279] - Edp audits page 'readiness'
- [IFMC-1701] - Upgrade to Ruby 2.7
- [IFMC-1888] - Extend RA organization search to include domains
- [IFMC-2214] - eduroam link update
- [IFMC-2063] - SO Dashboard: Default SP organizations to 0 max_idp_realms
- [IFMC-2208] - Updates to realm validation
- [IFMC-2211] - ro.json endpoint
- [IFMC-2116] - RADIUS Secret validation - backslashes
- [IFMC-2153] - Login page styling
- [IFMC-2154] - Metadata update request confirmation email update
- [IFMC-2171] - org view/edit label names
- [IFMC-2185] - Gemfile and package.json upgrades to available packages
- [IFMC-2207] - refactor dashboard and so org management routes
- [IFMC-2174] - Remove Cirrus MFA IdP Proxy support and ingress paths from FM
(v6.1.0 and v6.1.1 are being released together)
- [IFMC-2172] - UI - Log Viewer
- [IFMC-2160] - eduroam Support Org cannot create an SP-only org
- [IFMC-2103] - RA: Create organization functionality
- [IFMC-2147] - IAM: unique constraint on eppn
- [IFMC-2148] - IAM: RA ability to clear IAM enrollment
- [IFMC-2149] - IAM: completed enrollment status
- [IFMC-2159] - Copy update to RA view of constituent organization
- [IFMC-2167] - Update IAM enrollment copy
- [IFMC-2168] - Message queue health check
- [IFMC-1929] - Global configuration upload to S3 bucket
- [IFMC-2140] - Capture logins for users
- [IFMC-2141] - RA: Add IAM invite button to user show page
- [IFMC-2142] - Login page updates
- [IFMC-2145] - Update user show page IAM section to show iam_eppn
- [IFMC-2146] - Rake Task: eduroam Organizations that have enrolled IAM users vs. not
- [IFMC-2120] - IAM enrollment already completed message
- [IFMC-2132] - database size management via rake tasks or cron job
- [IFMC-2134] - secret_digest: catch up task and updated import tasks
- [IFMC-2137] - Update any reference of admin@incommon.org to help@incommon.org
- [IFMC-2138] - Update radius configuration to include identifying data
- [IFMC-2133] - eduroam rake tasks for Idp/RP server removals
- [IFMC-2128] - Add missing RP servers to Orgs and resubmit to eduroam Infrastructure
- [IFMC-2109] - All eduroam.us sites missing from global map.
- [IFMC-2113] - Secret validation update
- [IFMC-2050] - Rake Task - enable eduroam migrated for Organizations by id/nid
- [IFMC-2073] - Delayed job writes RADIUS configuration to app logs
- [IFMC-2100] - enable_iam_users_by_emails rake test doesn't take multiple emails
- [IFMC-2106] - Inactive user with no name breaks sorting on RA organization show page
- [IFMC-2102] - ensure users sent an iam enrollment email are always set to iam_allowed true
- [IFMC-2104] - RADIUS secret length, allow up to 255 characters
- [IFMC-2108] - IAM Enrollment copy updates
- [IFMC-1987] - Upgrade Sentry SDK
- [IFMC-2074] - Change AMQP exchange name
- [IFMC-2085] - add sorting to eduroam Constituents table
- [IFMC-2088] - Update the RADIUS secret minimum length to be 11
- [IFMC-2091] - Send button for IAM enrollment should activate all EA roles for a user
- [IFMC-2092] - New constituents should default to migrated=true
- [IFMC-2094] - When making the institution.json, set any service location that is NULL to a default value
- [IFMC-1993] - Update eduroam RO data to current values
- [IFMC-2086] - Need to add a prominent link to IAM login on the old login username/password box
- [IFMC-2087] - Remove "Your Account" link from footer for IAM-migrated users
- [IFMC-2055] - eA, eSOA name editing change
- [IFMC-2033] - Rake Task - SO association to parent org
- [IFMC-2057] - RA view for Iam Enrollment status
- [IFMC-2067] - remove anchor tag from link sent in eduroam enrollment email
- [IFMC-2070] - Enrollment email copy
- [IFMC-2053] - Remove RA_EDUROAM_VIEW_ENABLED flags and ENV variables
- [IFMC-2054] - Fix form validation on Address Edit
- [IFMC-2058] - eduroam migration tasks: print message anytime diff data is being added for an already migrated org
- [IFMC-2059] - Clean up console errors for missing default props, selects, etc. caused by imported data
- [IFMC-2060] - Hide inst_type field in institution json when empty
- [IFMC-2064] - Create rake task to update empty contact arrays from the Anyroam institution.json
(also contains issues in v6.0.0 which was released on October 11, 2021 as part of the FM move to Amazon Web Services)
October 13, 2021
- [IFMC-2020] - FMDEV down as of 1:03 AM MT 9/29/21
- [IFMC-1622] - This epic contains core stories for the eduroam implementation.
- [IFMC-1645] - IAM Platform Integration
- [IFMC-1660] - eduroam epic for additional (required by end 2020) features
- [IFMC-1850] - This epic contains stories about eduroam secrets handling
- [IFMC-1884] - This epic contains stories about eduroam account creation
- [IFMC-1906] - This epic contains stories about eduroam migration work
- [IFMC-1912] - This epic contains stories about eduroam support organizations
- [IFMC-2017] - Weird helper text example
- [IFMC-1643] - Display and update the new fields to the organization to support eduroam
- [IFMC-1647] - Configure Shibboleth SP in each FM environment with a new federated login handler
- [IFMC-1649] - Add a second RA dashboard to display Eduroam Trial Peerings
- [IFMC-1650] - Leverage a COmanage enrollment flow which redirects back to the new FM landing route
- [IFMC-1651] - Configure SATOSA to release attributes to the FM
- [IFMC-1654] - Create rake tasks to enable and disable IAMEnrollmentAllowed booleans in user models
- [IFMC-1853] - Storage and access management to shared keys (AJ/I2/Painless)
- [IFMC-1857] - Encryption of existing secrets (migration)
- [IFMC-1864] - Post Import - add field validation
- [IFMC-1897] - RA Person Show Page -- disabled role information
- [IFMC-1907] - data analysis-IP address/port/secret reuse currently
- [IFMC-1908] - data analysis-identify all organizations (Anyroam vs. FM)
- [IFMC-1909] - data analysis-determine status of configurations
- [IFMC-1910] - data analysis-identify roles that need to be rolled up
- [IFMC-1940] - data analysis-last updated configurations
- [IFMC-1941] - data analysis-email bounces
- [IFMC-1959] - Enrollment Flow - (4) Account Linking
- [IFMC-1960] - Enrollment Flow - (3) Enrollment Email (Invitation)
- [IFMC-1967] - Enrollment Flow - (1) Unique Identifier
- [IFMC-1969] - Enrollment Flow - (7) Self Enroll Button
- [IFMC-1979] - User story: New User IAM enrollment
- [IFMC-1980] - User story: adding an eduroam role to an existing user
- [IFMC-2009] - Roles - Naming refinements
- [IFMC-2011] - RA - Your Current Roles landing page dashboard links/separate RA dashboards
- [IFMC-2014] - eduroam - rake task to populate lat/long coordinates for organizations
- [IFMC-2021] - FM-PRD - environment vars for AWS launch
- [IFMC-2025] - configure action mailer defaults for all environments
- [IFMC-2031] - Rake task to compare institution.json
New Feature
- [IFMC-2024] - Minor enhancement - Fade/Gray out Max IdP realms when provisioning an SP
- [IFMC-1900] - Selecting SP only should default IdP max to 0
- [IFMC-2006] - Support apostrophes in emails
- [IFMC-2015] - eduroam Data Migration: Add rake tasks to import organizations, service locations, realms, etc.
- [IFMC-2018] - Test CSV parsing from AWS via rake task
- [IFMC-2029] - Remove unused top and left nav links
- [IFMC-2032] - Remove coordinates node from inst_json if no coordinates for Org edp address
- [IFMC-2034] - RA eduroam: Display eduroam Org blocks on separate page
September 22, 2021
- [IFMC-1983] - RA creating sub-org, name does not save
- [IFMC-1984] - eduroam - Typo on dashboard page
- [IFMC-1991] - Fix intermittently failing edp_spec test
- [IFMC-1992] - Fix Edp Organization url field messages
- [IFMC-1998] - SO Dashboard - all roles are shown
- [IFMC-1999] - Fix secret length validation messages
- [IFMC-1919] - Allow ESOA to approve/deny IdP Realms submitted by Constituents
- [IFMC-1962] - Service locations GPS - Search for this address
- [IFMC-1965] - Relying Party Radius Servers - Validation
- [IFMC-1975] - Add audited to Realms - display Realm history to RAs
- [IFMC-1976] - Create an eduroam migrated flag
- [IFMC-1989] - Update MFA authentication logic to authenticate against FM-Proxy-eppn
New Feature
- [IFMC-1893] - Remove Baseline Expectations 2 code gates
- [IFMC-1914] - Allow eduroam Support Org Admins to create Sub Organizations
- [IFMC-1981] - Add nid to the Organization
- [IFMC-1985] - SO Dashboard - Realm approval 'Submitted by' and 'Approved by'
August 25, 2021
- [IFMC-1927] - IdP Realm - RADIUS Servers
- [IFMC-1928] - Relying Party Radius Servers
- [IFMC-1901] - Radius configuration endpoint not picking up changes
- [IFMC-1903] - ActionController::UnknownFormat: SaController#index is missing a template for this request format and variant.
- [IFMC-1904] - password_resets_controller_spec failing intermittently
- [IFMC-1905] - DA SPs tables lose sortability when two are displayed
- [IFMC-1911] - Context switching not working, url path stuck on eduroam
- [IFMC-1949] - Approving an IdP Realm from the Org Show should stay on Org Show
- [IFMC-1623] - Add subscribed services to the organization list
- [IFMC-1785] - Add Messaging - RADIUS Configuration
- [IFMC-1851] - UX (AJ)
- [IFMC-1852] - Encryption type (AJ/I2/Painless)
- [IFMC-1886] - Rake Task: Add a new Role Type called “eduroam Support Organization Administrator”
- [IFMC-1887] - DB migration: Add eduroam_parent_id field to Organizations
- [IFMC-1889] - Create FM service type: eduroam IdP/SP
- [IFMC-1890] - Create FM service type: eduroam SP
- [IFMC-1891] - Create FM service type: eduroam Constituent Creator
- [IFMC-1926] - Saving rules for editing RADIUS configuration
New Feature
- [IFMC-1866] - Addresses: Add My Location and Use Location Geocoding
- [IFMC-1913] - eduroam Support Org Admins should inherit EA permissions for sub orgs
- [IFMC-1915] - eduroam Support Org Admins should be able to View and Edit their sub organizations
- [IFMC-1916] - Create a consolidated dashboard view for ESOAs to see information about all of their Sub Organizations at once.
July 27, 2021
- [IFMC-1868] - eduroam contacts support/administrative
- [IFMC-1869] - Your roles typo
- [IFMC-1872] - Typo on Service Locations
- [IFMC-1885] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `full_name' for #<Prospect:0x00007f9233aba500>
- [IFMC-1892] - TypeError on submit in eduroam
- [IFMC-1898] - SA redirect on login
- [IFMC-1899] - Cert Service onboarding error on an existing user
- [IFMC-1663] - eduroam Administrator of account type eduroam SP has no access to IdP Realm functionality
- [IFMC-1678] - As an eduroam RA, I would like to be able to pull together a list of realms, sorted by SO.
- [IFMC-1882] - eduroam Logo update and context name
- [IFMC-1883] - Add RA view of entity's Baseline status
New Feature
- [IFMC-1895] - Place RA eduroam functionality/views behind ENV variable
- [IFMC-1782] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `entity_name' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1863] - Update SA dashboard to clarify encryption score relationship to BE adherence status
June 30, 2021
- [IFMC-1846] - Remove references to People model in app:build_mailing_lists task
- [IFMC-1847] - app:aggregate_cleanup fails with out of memory error
- [IFMC-1849] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1826] - Drop Id Proofs table and associated fields
- [IFMC-1843] - Refresh fm-dev database
- [IFMC-1845] - Remove references to User.organization in users:export task
- [IFMC-1848] - Remove registration fee copy in onboarding process
June 16, 2021
- [IFMC-1842] - DA mixed case (EPPN/username) login issue
June 10, 2021
- [IFMC-1837] - Review and Submit screen's SAML display is inconsistent with data in SPSSOSettings
- [IFMC-1842] - DA mixed case (EPPN/username) login issue
May 26, 2021
- [IFMC-1830] - Test results not returned to test runner script
- [IFMC-1831] - Fix Sp styling for TLS Score box when score is present
- [IFMC-1833] - Site Administrator creation error via Salesforce onboarding workflow
- [IFMC-1711] - Upgrade Rails to v5.2.5
May 19, 2021
- [IFMC-1510] - Person record with no user record cannot be easily reactivated
- [IFMC-1628] - Upgrade/replace apivore gem
- [IFMC-1653] - Create a prominent nag message present at the top of the UI for all unenrolled users
- [IFMC-1656] - Disable all old login methods for IAM enrolled users
- [IFMC-1667] - Create API routes to return user enrollment status
- [IFMC-1731] - Create an indicator for the RA staff to see a person's integration status
- [IFMC-1780] - Remove the concept of "LOA" from the federation manager
- [IFMC-1828] - bugfix -- adding a second SA role should not reset passwords
- [IFMC-1160] - Replicate the automated SA on boarding actions during new org creation to also apply when changing username for an SA or promoting a DA to an SA.
- [IFMC-1680] - Combine User and Person models
- [IFMC-1707] - Remove organization id requirement from User/People models
- [IFMC-1710] - Add iam_enrollment_allowed and iam_enrollment_enabled fields to User
- [IFMC-1774] - "Search first to add a new user" check should include usernames, be case insensitive
May 5, 2021
- [IFMC-1746] - SP/IdP Submission - HTTPS validation
- [IFMC-1747] - SP Edit/Save - HTTPS validation
- [IFMC-1722] - Baseline Expectations 2 Implementation Phase 2 - Enforcement and Enhancement
- [IFMC-1742] - BE2 - Show Endpoint Encryption Score/Timestamp on entity page
- [IFMC-1783] - Implement bundle-audit
- [IFMC-1787] - Resolve vulnerabilities in kramdown gem
- [IFMC-1788] - Resolve vulnerability in jquery-rails gem
- [IFMC-1789] - Resolve vulnerability in nokogiri gem
- [IFMC-1792] - dedup people on production
- [IFMC-1796] - BEv2 - Dashboard Missing Elements Update
- [IFMC-1797] - BEv2 - More info link
April 7, 2021
- [IFMC-1733] - Accessibility Issue / Keith Wessel at UIUC
March 31, 2021
- Update Ruby version
March 10, 2021
- [IFMC-1675] - Logo preview dimensions go away when Info/Privacy url has an error
- [IFMC-1683] - Pundit::NotDefinedError: unable to find policy `NilClassPolicy` for `nil`
- [IFMC-1691] - Pundit::NotDefinedError: unable to find policy `DomainPolicy` for `#<Domain id: 6728, organization_id: 10009, name: "fm.te...
- [IFMC-1703] - Possible Unauthorization messaging error in /api/* routes
- [IFMC-1604] - Enable database import from S3
- [IFMC-1695] - BEv2 Healthcheck API - org ids
- [IFMC-1686] - BEv2 Healthcheck API - handling of sub orgs
February 25, 2021
- [IFMC-1692] - RA login not working
February 17, 2021
- [IFMC-1614] - Verify SIRTFI compliance assertion on metadata submission for BE2
- [IFMC-1615] - Validate errorURL on metadata submission for BE2
- [IFMC-1616] - Validate Information URL, if present, on data entry
- [IFMC-1617] - Validate Privacy Statement URL on data entry
- [IFMC-1618] - Validate IdP Error URL (IDPSSODescriptor) on data entry
- [IFMC-1619] - Validate Logo URL on data entry
- [IFMC-1620] - Validate SIRTFI assertion on data entry.
- [IFMC-1662] - Password is too short error
- [IFMC-1668] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `score' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1671] - RA user Unknown when confirming an API Aggregate batch
- [IFMC-1674] - Logo preview affected by other field changes
- [IFMC-1605] - BE2 - Update HTTP response code validation rules
- [IFMC-1606] - BE2 - Update entity submission validation warnings to account for BE2 requirements
- [IFMC-1607] - BE2 - Update validations on Edit/Save to meet BE2 requirements
- [IFMC-1609] - BEv2 - API - FM TLS Grade Integration
- [IFMC-1657] - In conjunction with SF hostname change - update SF_URL
- [IFMC-1677] - Remove Organizations/Roles Id field
- [IFMC-1681] - Add org status (active|inactive) to 1610 API call
- [IFMC-1682] - Update endpoints_https value in API call (1610)
February 4, 2021
- [IFMC-1672] - RA authentication is intermittent and redirects to SA login on failure
January 29, 2021
- [IFMC-1666] - update ops_controller rules for signing process
January 28, 2021
- [IFMC-1632] - FMDEV - RA login redirecting to SA login; RA can't log in
- [IFMC-1641] - RA user attributed to action showing as Unknown
- [IFMC-1377] - Replace authorization with Pundit
- [IFMC-1610] - Produce FM/metadata based dataset (via API) to support BE2 adherence outreach and analysis
- [IFMC-1170] - need ability to impersonate a site admin in a read-only mode when troubleshooting
January 19, 2021
- [IFMC-1612] - Privacy Statement URL validation doesn't prevent saving/submitting
- [IFMC-1333] - Use Devise for authentication
- [IFMC-1601] - Add API routes that create/download/confirm/cancel batches
- [IFMC-1603] - Refactor RA Api Routes to use API Controller
December 8, 2020
- [IFMC-1584] - Typo on Suppress Publish Emails checkbox
- [IFMC-1600] - Update aggregate retention rules
- [IFMC-1602] - Upgrade FactoryBot
New Feature
- [IFMC-1554] - Enable signalling of cryptographic cipher support for GCM transition
November 11, 2020
- [IFMC-1596] - RAO role does not show at org level view
- [IFMC-1579] - cleanup da_submitted from Entity state machine
- [IFMC-1598] - Rake Task to list DAs and their EPPNs
- [IFMC-1599] - Update aggregate cleanup job to use longer time period
- [IFMC-1588] - Add recently deleted and/or recently unpublished metadata to RA list
- [IFMC-1589] - Remove extraneous RA mailers
- [IFMC-1595] - add eduPersonAssurance to the Requested Attributes drop down
November 04, 2020
- [IFMC-1591] - Front-end error messaging when user is logged out
- [IFMC-1582] - verify logic for sanitizing descriptions (remove \r etc.)
- [IFMC-1585] - Restore status changes in audits for Entities
- [IFMC-1590] - configure active jobs to use Delayed Jobs to manage the jobs queue
- [IFMC-1593] - install sf gem via public repo
New Feature
- [IFMC-1554] - Enable signalling of cryptographic cipher support for GCM transition*
- [IFMC-1594] - prioritize GCM as the first listed when CBC and GCM are present in metadata
- [IFMC-1587] - Add a role for "RAO Revocation"
*Special recognition to Cirrus Identity, Inc for implementation guidance
October 21, 2020
- [IFMC-1577] - IdP SSO descriptors must have exactly one HTTP-Redirect binding
- [IFMC-1583] - NoMethodError: undefined method `note' for false:FalseClass
New Feature
- [IFMC-1504] - Use HTTP GET to determine logo characteristics
- [IFMC-1575] - Refactor and standardize mailers using active jobs
October 13, 2020
- [IFMC-1580] - Screen reader unable to expand links in SA dashboard
October 6, 2020
- [IFMC-1578] - Fine tune mailto rake task to suppress emails
September 22, 2020
- [IFMC-1567] - Logo fails to display properly on logout page
- [IFMC-1574] - Contact options don't include 'support' as a role
- [IFMC-1247] - Propagate Organization Modifications to IdP and SP
- [IFMC-1561] - Implement mailto: scheme for contacts in metadata
- [IFMC-1571] - Add a warning for SA's when trying to delete their last Attribute Authority endpoint
- [IFMC-1573] - Modify FM Admin API to add 'active' and 'inactive status
August 13, 2020
- [IFMC-1562] - ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"ra/sps", :id=>nil}, missing required keys: [:id]
- [IFMC-648] - Organization model should validate website URL format
- [IFMC-1535] - refactor key_use on Certs
- [IFMC-1230] - Identify All Steward functionality
July 9, 2020
- [IFMC-1545] - Update the version of Yarn and upgrade packages
- [IFMC-1555] - Edit and Delete certificate buttons are scrolled way off to the right in some IdP metadata edits
- [IFMC-1557] - Handle req attrs with null value in required column
- [IFMC-1520] - Edit functionality for Services and Contacts
- [IFMC-1532] - Remove sleep from integration tests
New Feature
- [IFMC-1491] - IdP delete existing attr authority
- [IFMC-1540] - RA support page by entity_name
- [IFMC-1539] - Support SCHAC requested attributes
- [IFMC-1544] - prev/next navigation communication with available tabs
June 3, 2020
- [IFMC-1541] - SA unable to approve DA-submitted SP
- [IFMC-1527] - Drop unused fields from Attribute Consuming Services table
- [IFMC-1534] - Add heartbeat to API/front-end
- [IFMC-1537] - Yarn upgrade
- [IFMC-1531] - Warn people about expiring certificates
May 27, 2020
- [IFMC-1536] - Unable to add SP certificate
- [IFMC-1533] - Report API 302 response as an expired session
May 19, 2020
- [IFMC-1529] - NoMethodError: undefined method `ui_info' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1530] - Expiring certs section on Dashboard
May 13, 2020
- [IFMC-1528] - SA dashboard breakfix for expiring certs route
May 13, 2020
- [IFMC-1425] - draft more appropriate message for the AA warning
- [IFMC-1021] - SP cert controller needs to handle some additional error conditions
- [IFMC-1497] - FM incorrectly reports must have a cert in order to submit existing IdP metadata
- [IFMC-1502] - UI/wording nits from QA - IDP side
- [IFMC-1503] - UI/wording nits from QA - SP side
- [IFMC-1506] - Save button grayed out on SPSSODescriptor page
- [IFMC-1521] - NoMethodError: undefined method `is_prospect?' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1522] - DA view permissions on other SPs
- [IFMC-1523] - update labels for the entity status badges
- [IFMC-1525] - Cannot add attributes to a new SP
- [IFMC-859] - Implement Contacts Page
- [FMC-860] - Implement User Interfaces Elements Page
- [IFMC-861] - Implement IDPSSODescriptor Page
- [IFMC-862] - Implement New Add for IdP Attribute Authority Descriptor Page
- [IFMC-863] - Implement Entity Attributes Page
- [IFMC-864] - Implement IdP Metadata Export Options Page
- [IFMC-865] - Implement IdP Show Page
- [IFMC-869] - Implement SP Assertion Consumer Services Page
- [IFMC-870] - Implement SP Discovery Response Endpoints Page
- [IFMC-871] - Implement SP Single Logout Services Page
- [IFMC-873] - Implement SP Requested Attributes Page
- [IFMC-1066] - Implement New Add Progress Sections
- [IFMC-1401] - Implement Common body area (was "header") for Metadata Add/Update
- [IFMC-1417] - Implement IDPSSODescriptor Start
- [IFMC-1418] - Implement IDPSSODescriptor Single Sign On
- [IFMC-1419] - Implement IDPSSODescriptor Single Logout
- [IFMC-1420] - Implement IDPSSODescriptor Artifact Resolution
- [IFMC-1421] - Implement IDPSSODescriptor Digital Certificate
- [IFMC-1427] - Implement New Left Navigation
- [IFMC-1448] - Uploading a certificate to IDPSSODescriptor
- [IFMC-1449] - Remove a certificate from IDPSSODescriptor
- [IFMC-1450] - UI to manage multiple certs in IDPSSODescriptor
- [IFMC-1459] - Managing certificates in IDP AttributeAuthorityDescriptor
- [IFMC-1460] - Managing certificates in SPSSODescriptor
- [IFMC-1472] - Implement SP show page
- [IFMC-1493] - Prevent deletion of last Cert on backend
- [IFMC-1509] - UX form enhancement: buttons active by default, required asterisk only shown on long forms (UiInfo)
- [IFMC-1511] - Entity States and Descriptions
- [IFMC-1512] - New SA UI Testing: EntityID Pages wording changes
- [IFMC-1513] - New SA UI Testing: Switch to XML icon instead of info for metadata toggle
- [IFMC-1514] - NEW SA UI Testing: Update LeftNav titles for Idps and Sps
- [IFMC-1515] - New SA UI Testing: Right-align tables in View modes throughout
- [IFMC-1518] - New SA UI Testing: Update Info and links on Export page
New Feature
- [IFMC-1469] - Implement Tab navigation section
- [IFMC-1473] - Review breadcrumbs on new SA metadata maintenance pages
- [IFMC-1478] - Refactor and review CSS for new form and page format
- [IFMC-1480] - Implement SP Metadata Export Options Page
- [IFMC-1486] - General enhancements from demos on 3/20 (EJ)
- [IFMC-1487] - General enhancements from demos on 3/20 (JG)
- [IFMC-1488] - In-line and Top-of-page Error messaging
- [IFMC-1492] - review all DA status actions
- [IFMC-1454] - Remove legacy controllers, views and forms
- [IFMC-1484] - Redirect after IdP/SP create, transition to show page
- [IFMC-1517] - Show IdP requirement for SSO HTTP-Redirect binding
May 6, 2020
- [IFMC-1499] - SA IdP add/edit QA for current epic (v5.0?)
- [IFMC-1507] - After adding a delegated administrator, the Delegated Administrators menu disappears
- [IFMC-1498] - Help link in Delegated Admin management UI links to old location
- [IFMC-1508] - Rename 'Assign Delegated Administrators' to 'Manage Delegated Administrators'
- [IFMC-1526] - Adding a JSON API listing active organizations
April 15, 2020
- [IFMC-1482] - Fix dashboard path when a user has both RA and SA roles
- [IFMC-1494] - Restrict DA Dashboard outside of organization
- [IFMC-1495] - Fix template error when IdP/SP entities have been removed - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `status' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1481] - remove ContactPerson info from anonymization script
February 26, 2020
- [IFMC-1475] - IdP scope checking does not enforce domain name format
- [IFMC-1467] - Cleanup Sps with old certs
- [IFMC-1468] - Refactor and Migrate IdpSso and AttrAuthority Certs
New Feature
- [IFMC-1471] - Fix Babel warning to define js-cors version
- [IFMC-1479] - Add notes field to RA Organization view
- [IFMC-1474] - Remove the words "beta" and "experimental" from delegated login page
January 22, 2020
- [IFMC-1462] - Person link in "History for this Entity" broken
- [IFMC-1463] - RA Admin on Staging Issues
- [IFMC-1428] - Implement New Top Level Navigation
- [IFMC-1456] - Implement New Top Level Navigation - RA
- [IFMC-1464] - Tech Debt: Update migrations for Rails 5
- [IFMC-1457] - Upgrade Node.js to >= 8.16.0
- [IFMC-1455] - Resolve warnings seen during asset pre-compilation
- [IFMC-1465] - Add metadata validation requirements URL to FM
November 20, 2019
- [IFMC-1447] - Return Error message when new role cannot be assigned
- [IFMC-1452] - SA approval of delegated metadata submissions
- [IFMC-1451] - Update FM documentation link
- [IFMC-1415] - Backend Functionality for New IdP/SP
November 13, 2019
- [IFMC-1374] - drop disallow_export and cleanup any remaining logic.
- [IFMC-1443] - Privacy Policy Link update
- [IFMC-1446] - NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1437] - Update database seeds
- [IFMC-1304] - refactor x509 certs
- [IFMC-1314] - change Entities set_default_allow_export to a database default
- [IFMC-1442] - Break out FM API routes
October 14, 2019
- [IFMC-1373] - transition logic over to using allow_export field on IdP
- [IFMC-1382] - Clean up Aggregates Table
- [IFMC-1397] - Clean up SPs table
- [IFMC-1398] - Clean up UiInfo table
- [IFMC-1413] - Cleanup Incommon and Local on Idps and Sps
- [IFMC-1344] - Don't allow special characters or whitespace in model attributes
- [IFMC-1410] - All IdP SAML protocol endpoints must be https:// scheme
- [IFMC-1412] - Create rake task to add mdui:DisplayName and mdui:InformationURL as validation requirements for R&S SPs
- [IFMC-1416] - ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template siteadmin/ra/people/1006857/edit with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :varia...
- [IFMC-1430] - org was able to submit metadata missing required BE element (logo) for publishing
- [IFMC-1431] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `username' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1439] - ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'incommon' for Sp.
- [IFMC-822] - Anonymized data export
- [IFMC-1423] - Determine Proper Process for RA Updates to Entities in Non-Published Status
- [IFMC-1434] - Create PostgreSQL DB dump rake task
- [IFMC-1435] - Create PostgreSQL DB restore rake task
- [IFMC-1296] - Break Admin controller routes into Ra/* controller namespace
- [IFMC-1409] - IdP SP state machine to allow incremental build
- [IFMC-1411] - Add mdui:InformationURL to available entity attribute validation checks
- [IFMC-1414] - DA cleanup with new Provider states
- [IFMC-1426] - Show RAs warning when making a change that would cause metadata to be submitted without SA approval
- [IFMC-1432] - Rake task to find DAs without User accounts
- [IFMC-1438] - Refactor Provider Validations
August 7, 2019
Fixed issues with failure to require https:// scheme on IdP endpoints and to require an InformationURL for R&S SPs
July 31, 2019
- [IFMC-1387] - Clean up IdpSso table
- [IFMC-1388] - Clean up Idps table
- [IFMC-1389] - Drop mds table
- [IFMC-1390] - Clean up Organizations table
- [IFMC-1391] - clean up PasswordResets table
- [IFMC-1392] - Cleanup Passwords table
- [IFMC-1393] - Clean up Person table
- [IFMC-1394] - drop table Revocations
- [IFMC-1395] - clean up Roles table
- [IFMC-1396] - Clean up ServiceOrders table
- [IFMC-1399] - Clean up Users table
July 24, 2019
- [IFMC-1367] - ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template metadata_delegated_administrators/create, application/create with {:locale=>[:en...
- [IFMC-1402] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass
New Feature
- [IFMC-1317] - RAO registrations routes cleanup
- [IFMC-1318] - Idps controller resourceful routing
- [IFMC-1319] - Sps controller resourceful routing
- [IFMC-1321] - Single Logouts controller resourceful routing
- [IFMC-1369] - Add delegated Admin to SP workflow
- [IFMC-1370] - change "admin@incommon.org" to "help@incommon.org"
- [IFMC-1375] - On-boarding SA text changes
- [IFMC-1380] - Make color palette AA compliant
June 11, 2019
- [IFMC-1327] - Upgrade Rails 5.1 to 5.2
June 3, 2019
- New maintenance tasks added.
May 30, 2019
- Resolved an issue where in some cases edits to service providers could not be saved.
May 29, 2019
- [IFMC-1282] - NoMethodError: undefined method `organization=' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1345] - increase limit on discovery response endpoints
- [IFMC-1361] - Metadata export status link is broken in RA view
- [IFMC-1362] - Single Logouts on a new Idp
- [IFMC-1287] - An RA should be able to "un-reject" a rejected entity
- [IFMC-1205] - Entity Model Refactor and transition to to_saml
- [IFMC-1303] - require Organization for IdP SP and Entity
- [IFMC-1306] - Remove Tier
- [IFMC-1307] - Remove Token
- [IFMC-1310] - Entity attribute accessors and writer
- [IFMC-1322] - refactor Domains
- [IFMC-1324] - Verify validate_debian still required
- [IFMC-1328] - Remove CertRequest
May 21, 2019
- [IFMC-1335] - ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError: Attempted to update a stale object: Sp
- [IFMC-1341] - Validate against Org displayname as an empty string ("")
- [IFMC-1262] - Refactor logo_exists?
- [IFMC-1302] - remove USHER
- [IFMC-1342] - Resubmit action on RA Entity page
May 8, 2019
- [IFMC-1326] - Upgrade Rails 5.0 to 5.1
May 6, 2019
- [IFMC-1283] - NoMethodError: undefined method `entities' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1293] - ArgumentError: You are passing an instance of ActiveRecord::Base to `find`. Please pass the id of the object by ...
- [IFMC-1330] - NoMethodError: private method `binding' called for #<SingleLogout:0x00007f3e3d5360b0>
- [IFMC-1257] - Entity Attribute Post implementation Cleanup
- [IFMC-1292] - Review app TODO comments
- [IFMC-1294] - fix remaining pending specs
- [IFMC-1299] - remove final references to "tech contact" and tc
- [IFMC-1301] - Organization attribute readers
- [IFMC-1309] - Cert attribute accessors
- [IFMC-1311] - refactor Entity human_type
- [IFMC-1312] - replace Role.dup? with a validator
- [IFMC-1313] - Role activate and inactivate refactor
- [IFMC-1315] - combine views/[idps/sps]/forms/_contacts into one
- [IFMC-1323] - person specs
- [IFMC-1338] - Standardize "binding" to protocol_binding across models
April 30, 2019
- Fixes to asset pre-compilation list and missing icons
- Fixes to regularly scheduled maintenance tasks
- Update Ruby version
- Align staging and production configurations
- Updates to CSS files (removal of legacy files, scss for manifests)
April 23, 2019
- [IFMC-1128] - Refactor: Entities query and update_metadata
- [IFMC-1284] - Upgrade to Rails 5.0
- [IFMC-1291] - Automated testing spec improvements for "be within one second"
April 8, 2019
- [IFMC-1233] - NoMethodError: undefined method `organization' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1250] - ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty: sp_sso
- [IFMC-1276] - Entity transfers show "Published" in Data Review, but then show up as "Pending" in approval queue
- [IFMC-1280] - wrong bread crumbs on new edit entity attributes page on SP
- [IFMC-1288] - Baseline checks indicate a '302' but a '200' status code is returned
- [IFMC-1289] - URL validation does not check for triple slash
Self-Asserted Entity Attribute Work
- [IFMC-718] - Remove Entity Attribute Section from Organization Display in RA Admin
- [IFMC-719] - Remove Entity Attribute Section from Sub-Org Page in RA Admin
- [IFMC-720] - Implement Entity Attribute Modifications in Published Metadata List in Organization
- [IFMC-724] - Implement RA Assert for IdP Entity Attributes
- [IFMC-725] - Implement RA Assert for SP Entity Attributes
- [IFMC-727] - Implement SA Display for IdP Entity Attributes
- [IFMC-728] - Implement SA Display for SP Entity Attributes
- [IFMC-737] - Implement SA Update for Entity Attributes for an IdP
- [IFMC-738] - Implement SA Update for Entity Attributes for an SP
- [IFMC-1156] - Implement SA Add for IdP Entity Attributes
- [IFMC-1157] - Implement SA Add for SP Entity Attributes
- [IFMC-1169] - Implement Entity Attribute Modifications in Published Metadata List in Sub-Organization
- [IFMC-1272] - remove sirtfi and hide-from-discovery sections
- [IFMC-1278] - add info button to all entity attribute tables
- [IFMC-1290] - see requirements for an Entity Attribute Type
Improvements and Tasks
- [IFMC-1134] - Remove Legacy Payment model
- [IFMC-1274] - DA entity attributes on an SP
- [IFMC-1281] - Remove legacy cucumber and feature files
- [IFMC-1226] - Remove Person Deactivate Link from Person View
- [IFMC-1275] - Enforce Baseline requirements on metadata submission
- [IFMC-1256] - Change recipient address for registration receipt emails
(includes improvements that would have been released with v3.19.0)
March 25, 2019
- [IFMC-1190] - Entity Display Name must be unique for IdPs
- [IFMC-1199] - entityID uniqueness check should be case insensitive
- [IFMC-1277] - Contact information for SPs not update-able
Entity Attribute User Interface Work
- [IFMC-701] - Implement Maintain Entity Attributes Link
- [IFMC-704] - Implement Adding an Entity Attribute
- [IFMC-1270] - Create Additional Edits When Adding an Entity Attribute
- [IFMC-1264] - Include Add button option in info-panel template
- [IFMC-1269] - validate entity attribute type expiration date is not self-assertive
March 18, 2019
- [IFMC-1242] - Backend work for self-asserted entity attributes
- [IFMC-1243] - Backend work for self-asserted entity attributes
- [IFMC-1244] -Backend work for self-asserted entity attributes
- [IFMC-703] - Backend work for self-asserted entity attributes
March 13, 2019
Backend Improvements to Storage of Entity Attributes
- [IFMC-1249] - Convert existing EntityAttributes, step 2
February 27, 2019
Backend Improvements to Storage of Entity Attributes
- [IFMC-1238] - Add Display Name and Descriptions to Existing Entity Attribute Types
- [IFMC-1240] - Convert existing `EntityAttributes` to reference EntityAttributeType
- [IFMC-1241] - Implement Requirements Logic for EntityAttributeType
- [IFMC-1249] - Convert existing EntityAttributes, step 2
February 25, 2019
- [IFMC-1261] - Javascript bug fix
February 25, 2019
- [IFMC-1168] - Binding Type / Location pairs should not allow duplicate values
- [IFMC-1229] - Null ACS endpoints added to metadata for SPs
- [IFMC-1232] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `inc_execs' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1143] - On the RA Organization Page, allow sorting people by Name or Role
February 14, 2019
- [IFMC-1259] - Unable to add a new IdP with hide-from-discovery selected
February 11, 2019
- [IFMC-1231] - Defined changes to Entity Attribute
- [IFMC-1234] - Bug fix around SP editing
- [IFMC-1235] - Backend changes to update how Entity Attributes are done
- [IFMC-1236] - Backend changes to update how Entity Attributes are done
- [IFMC-1237] - Backend changes to update how Entity Attributes are done
- [IFMC-1239] - Backend changes to update how Entity Attributes are done
- [IFMC-1224] - Highlight Modified Data Fields when Metadata Review is Displayed
January 22, 2019
- [IFMC-1202] - ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Export requires a technical contact person
- [IFMC-1209] - NoMethodError: undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1211] - NoMethodError: undefined method `key_desc' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-469] - Implement Organization List
- [IFMC-471] - Implement People List
- [IFMC-575] - Assign Submitted Metadata Auto-Approval Status
- [IFMC-659] - Implement Organization and People search Sections
- [IFMC-1123] - Implement Recently Published and Deleted Metadata List
- [IFMC-1217] - State Machine "Deactivation" refactor
December 18, 2018
- [IFMC-1182] - ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError: Attempted to update a stale object: Sp
- [IFMC-1210] - NoMethodError: undefined method `organization' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1114] - Sp Controller specs
- [IFMC-1201] - Person model specs
December 5, 2018
- [IFMC-1175] - Show Diff in Metadata Review Whenever There is a Previous Version
- [IFMC-1200] - Fixed problem with approving registrations
- [IFMC-1203] - Creating a site admin with a new email address does not show the 'SEND' button in the RA role management interface
- [IFMC-1046] - Fixed the inability to edit an 'unpublished' entity.
- [IFMC-789] - Better error reporting on IdP Validations
- [IFMC-1154] - Use new to_saml methods in the "Metadata To Publish" view
- [IFMC-1194] - Detect changes to fields requiring RA approval
- [IFMC-1046] - Fixed all entities in an 'unpublished' state that were actually published
December 3, 2018
- [IFMC-1167] - Fix IdP Contact Person edit template error, and refactor
- [IFMC-1173] - Prepend environment names to email sent from mailtrap.io
- [IFMC-1188] - SAML2 SingleSignOnService endpoint validation incorrectly shown to user
- [IFMC-1135] - Refactor Entity#entity_name
- [IFMC-1147] - Update site_administrator_for method to only count active roles
- [IFMC-1153] - Improved SAML generation methods
- [IFMC-1176] - Timezones made consistent across UI
- [IFMC-1152] - Add Contact Requirements for Edugain Export
- [IFMC-1132] - Integrate staging environment with mailtrap.io
- [IFMC-695] - Added code to identify orphaned entities
- [IFMC-1053] - Validated no incomplete entity transfers
- [IFMC-1130] - Production data fix
November 15, 2018
Bug Fixes
- [IFMC-1171] - Bug fix to resolve duplicated entities in aggregate output
November 5, 2018
- [IFMC-855] - Transfer an entity to another organization
- [IFMC-1140] - Implement Baseline Expectations - Bulk Changes
Bug Fixes
- [IFMC-1161] - Clean up Admin - list_ip_history and new_id_proof template styling
October 29, 2018
- [IFMC-573] - Implement Metadata Actions
- [IFMC-601] - Define Metadata Approval
- [IFMC-656] - Define RA Home Page for Metadata Approval
- [IFMC-709] - Implement Updated Left Navigation for RA Admin
- [IFMC-734] - Refactor user attr_accessor on Sp
- [IFMC-821] - Refactor Entity Status
- [IFMC-1020] - Align display of IdP and SP status for SA and RA
- [IFMC-1047] - Add a DELETED status to state machine for an entity where Idp/SP has been deleted
- [IFMC-1121] - Test CRUD actions with new metadata process
- [IFMC-1122] - Refine "Pipeline States" for entities
- [IFMC-1125] - Remove unused /entities routes
- [IFMC-1127] - keep entity export status page
- [IFMC-1133] - Drop Md model
- [IFMC-1138] - Refactor/Update methods for local metadata
- [IFMC-1149] - Update Shibboleth 2.x to Shibboleth in list of SP Server Software options in new SP view
Bug Fixes
- [IFMC-1059] - ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::InvalidTextRepresentation: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "review"
- [IFMC-1129] - Prevent duplicate discovery response endpoint indexes from being created / fix one that has dupes
- [IFMC-1139] - Bypassing SIRTFI security contact control
September 18, 2018
- [IFMC-820] - Allow RA staff to update usernames
- [IFMC-1061] - Update Link Formatting in Left Nav
- [IFMC-856] - Remove POP Link from RA View and SA View
- [IFMC-846] - Update Sps Controller Spec Coverage for SAs
- [IFMC-1022] - RA pages -- collapsable sections for People and Orgs
- [IFMC-1031] - Update email that goes to new Site Admins
Bug Fixes
- [IFMC-997] - Completed service request URLs do not leave the create service URL queue
- [IFMC-1023] - NoMethodError: undefined method `<' for nil:NilClass
August 7, 2018
Bug Fixes
- [IFMC-857] - ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"add_admin", :controller=>"registration"}
- [IFMC-926] - NameError: undefined local variable or method `admin_path' for #<LoginController:0x007fa24131dfb8>
- [IFMC-995] - Changing SP Key Use does not cause a change in the key use in metadata
- [IFMC-996] - Make created registration URL view page text further indented
- [IFMC-792] - Update Gemfile and ruby version
- [IFMC-981] - Accessible Tables on Dashboards
July 24, 2018
- [IFMC-434] - Implement RA Page Framework
- [IFMC-435] - Implement Standard Page Header Section for RA Admin Pages
- [IFMC-438] - Implement Submitted Metadata List on RA Home Page
- [IFMC-439] - Implement Approved Metadata List on RA Home Page
- [IFMC-745] - Make it easier to add multiple ACS endpoints
- [IFMC-763] - remove Update IdP SP session dependency
- [IFMC-786] - Require a valid URL for the entity name when creating a new SP or IdP
- [IFMC-833] - Add person contact information to API output
Bug Fixes
- [IFMC-788] - NoMethodError: undefined method `strip' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-836] - ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template sps/ui_info/new, application/new with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :varia...
June 27, 2018
Bug Fixes
- [IFMC-736] - ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"edit_certs", :attr_authority_id=>nil, :controller=>"idps/attr_authori...
- [IFMC-760] - Unable to create new user
- [IFMC-783] - ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Username can't be blank
- [IFMC-791] - api certificate verify failure not rescued
- [IFMC-794] - ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError: Attempted to update a stale object: Sp
- [IFMC-766] - Modify SIRTFI Comment
- [IFMC-770] - Add Cancel Buttons to All Update Pages
- [IFMC-771] - Validate Breadcrumbs for SA Admin
- [IFMC-784] - Remove Request Attribute Confirmation
- [IFMC-787] - 500 error page should include Internet2 branding and help links
- [IFMC-793] - Implement API key authentication for admin API routes
- [IFMC-543] - Refactor Model Specs - Organization Specs
May 30, 2018
This release includes initial support for InCommon Baseline Expectations, in addition to other bug fixes and enhancements.
Bug Fixes
- [IFMC-765] - NoMethodError: undefined method `password=' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-552] - Refactor Model Specs - AttrConsumingServices Specs
- [IFMC-740] - Create current-state API specification
- [IFMC-782] - Modify Override for Baseline Expectations
New Features
- [IFMC-673] - Implement Display of Baseline Expectations for SP User Interface Elements
- [IFMC-674] - Implement Display of Baseline Expectations for IdP Contacts
- [IFMC-675] - Implement Display of Baseline Expectations for SP Contacts
- [IFMC-677] - Implement Display-Processing of Baseline Expectations for IdP Update User Interface Elements
- [IFMC-681] - Implement Display-Processing of Baseline Expectations for SP Update User Interface Elements
- [IFMC-683] - Implement Baseline Expectations for Add IdP User Interface Elements
- [IFMC-684] - Implement Baseline Expectations for Add SP User Interface Elements
- [IFMC-686] - Implement Baseline Expectations for Add IdP Contacts
- [IFMC-687] - Implement Baseline Expectations for Add SP Contacts
May 21, 2018
This is a bug fix release.
- [IFMC-744] Deleting an IdP now takes the user to the dashboard page; improved handling of invalid IdP entity names; improved feedback for errors in IdP attributes
May 1, 2018
This release contains a critical bug fix:
[IFMC-739] - Registration Authority unable to access operations page
April 30, 2018
This release contains significant improvements for Delegated Administrators, in addition to other minor improvements and bug fixes. A Delegated Administrator may now create a Service Provider for later approval and submission by the Site Administrator.
Bug Fixes
[IFMC-694] - Registration Authority unable to create InCommon registration link if the contact doesn't have a phone number defined
- [IFMC-696] - Delegated Administrator unable to create new SP
- [IFMC-697] - Delegated Administrator unable to edit SP
- [IFMC-711] - Authorization? method breaks when org is not present
- [IFMC-712] - Unable to access registration link
- [IFMC-714] - Unable to join via registration link
- [IFMC-716] - Unable to update SP
- [IFMC-368] - Implement an Expiring Certificates Section on the SA Dashboard
April 24, 2018
This release contains bug fixes:
Bug Fixes
- [IFMC-580] - Unhandled exception: "An ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError occurred in login#login"
- [IFMC-700] - ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"create_inc_registration", :controller=>"admin"}
- [IFMC-706] - RA unable to reset user password
- [IFMC-710] - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `organization_id' for nil:NilClass
April 12, 2018
This release contains minor internal bug fixes and improvements.
April 11, 2018
This release contains improvements to certificate handling for Identity Providers, in addition to other minor enhancements, bug fixes, and internal improvements to the application code:
Bug Fixes
[IFMC-232] - People may be missing required phone number
[IFMC-323] - For all Page Titles / implement a Naming Convention for visually impaired Users / Section 508
[IFMC-487] - Fix Metadata Display diff in RA approval queue
- [IFMC-577] - Received Something Went Wrong Message for RA Admin on Both Dev and Accept
- [IFMC-580] - Unhandled exception: "An ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError occurred in login#login"
- [IFMC-636] - ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"add_single_logout", :controller=>"manage", :org_id=>xxxxx} missing re...
- [IFMC-637] - ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"edit_idp", :controller=>"manage", :id=>nil, :org_id=>"xxxxx"} missing...
- [IFMC-671] - Delete Link for IdP is inactive
User Stories
- [IFMC-361] - Remove Certificate Access from Left Navigation
- [IFMC-366] - Implement Inline Signing Certificates for Adding Identity Providers
- [IFMC-367] - Implement Inline Signing Certificates for Identity Provider Updates
- [IFMC-408] - Implement New Edit IdP Digital Certificate Section
- [IFMC-409] - Add Warning Message for Certificate Modification in Service Provider
- [IFMC-641] - Refactor Routes -- Resourceful routing for Sa certificate routes
- [IFMC-653] - Resourceful Routes -- refactor base routes for Idps and Idp certificates
- [IFMC-655] - Controller Specs -- creating a new IdP
- [IFMC-550] - Refactor Model Specs - Contact person Specs
- [IFMC-551] - Refactor Model Specs - AttrService Specs
- [IFMC-553] - Refactor Model Specs - AttrAuthority Specs
- [IFMC-561] - Refactor Manage Controller - Pull IdP actions into own Controller and rename
- [IFMC-680] - Handle inline certs when adding an Attribute Authority
- [IFMC-688] - Refactor login routes
- [IFMC-692] - refactor manage controller as sa controller
March 29, 2018
This is a bug fix release. See the list of included bug fixes below.
Bug Fixes
- [IFMC-646] - Attempting to delete an SP returns the error "cannot be deleted, please ask your Site Admin to remove"
- [IFMC-685] - Rake db:setup fails creating development user with blank phone number
February 8, 2018
This release introduces read-only API routes, and fixes a bug that could prevent editing older SPs that don't already have a display name set.
January 30, 2018
This release contains minor enhancements, bug fixes, and internal improvements to the application code:
- Added user input validation for IdP contacts
- Improved error monitoring and alerting
- Restructured parts of the code to assist with development and testing
- Fixed a bug when deleting a contact person from an IdP
- Cleaned up old code and links
November 20, 2017
This release introduces production self-service support for the SIRTFI entity attribute. For more information, see REFEDS SIRTFI documentation.
This release combines features from the roadmap for Version 3.1 and 3.2 into a single 3.2 release
Restyle of the Site Administrator view of IdPs and SPs, including collapsible sections
Ability for a Site Administrator to add the SIRTFI attribute to an IdP or SP
- NOTE: Due to a long-standing issue in the Federation Manager, when you add the SIRTFI entity attribute to your metadata, you will not see the change reflected in the metadata preview. You should continue to submit metadata and you will see the entity attribute added to your metadata in production. We will address this issue in a future release.
IdP and SP Edit pages styled similarly to the view pages
Improved accessibility for forms
Breadcrumb improvements
- [IFMC-444] - Implement Selecting a SIRTFI Entity Attribute when Adding an Identity Provider
- [IFMC-445] - Implement Selecting a SIRTFI Entity Attribute when Adding a Service Provider
- [IFMC-446] - Implement the Creation of the Metadata for the SIRTFI Entity Attribute Added by a Site Administrator
- [IFMC-449] - Implement Modifying a SIRTFI Entity Attribute when Updating an Identity Provider
- [IFMC-450] - Implement Modifying a SIRTFI Entity Attribute when Updating a Service Provider
- [IFMC-451] - Implement the Display of the SIRTFI Entity Attribute Section for an Identity Provider
- [IFMC-452] - Implement the Display of the SIRTFI Entity Attribute Section for a Service Provider
[IFMC-468] - Remove the SIRTFI Entity Attribute from the RA Entity Attribute Options(this feature was intentionally not implemented so that the RA may remove the SIRTFI attribute from an entity if need arises)
Bug Fixes
- [IFMC-527] - Updating an IdP adds empty KeyDescriptor elements
October 10, 2017
This is a patch release that addresses a bug affecting Registration Authority staff when reviewing metadata updates.
[IFMC-458] - Add a form for notes update, remove async update
October 5, 2017
This is a patch release that resolves two bugs affecting Registration Authority staff when updating data in the Federation Manager.
[IFMC-420] - Unable to add notes to entities in the approval queue
[IFMC-421] - Text height exceeds height of input control
September 19, 2017
This major release includes site-wide style updates and updates for the Site Admin dashboard.
Introduce a "Dashboard" for Site Admins to more easily see the status of their metadata submissions, add and modify metadata
Update twitter bootstrap CSS framework to version 4. This version uses flexbox as the default for row/column styles. Flexbox isn't supported in IE versions < 11. See: https://caniuse.com/#feat=flexbox
Add responsive CSS for smaller screens: collapse menus, stack panels, etc.
Update navigation, footer, login/logout styles to better match mock-up padding and structure.
Add Identity Provider, Service Provider, and Steward Metadata tables to Site Admin dashboard to give quick insight and editing capabilities
Update auth organization lookup to ignore sub orgs with same name
Fix identity provider / service provider update bugs causing page to crash after submitting form
Site Administrator Dashboard
August 15, 2017
This release resolves issues with:
- adding roles for users in organizations other than their own organization
- saving the status of an organization and correctly showing which organizations are active
August 8, 2017
This release of the InCommon Federation Manager brings sweeping visual changes to the Site Admin portion of the site, which should provide a drastically improved user experience for InCommon customers. Major improvements include:
Modern Styling. The entire Site Admin interface has received a visual refresh from top to bottom. In addition to aesthetic improvements, many elements have been rearranged to make it easier to read and digest the information at hand.
Accessibility. Headings, form fields, form labels, and visual contrast have all been completely redesigned for better operation with screen readers and other accessibility devices.
Usability. Required fields are now accurately and consistently identified. Several labels have been adjusted to be more accurate and descriptive.
Bug Fixes. Several exceptions involving cases and unexpected inputs have been resolved.
May 23, 2017
While most users will not see any difference to the application, please rest assured that the InCommon staff is using the improved user interface which you should start to see with the version 2.1 release. We chose to deploy and adopt the staff-facing UI first - to ensure that we are satisfied with the work before exposing the changes to our customers. Major improvements include:
Moved Federation Manager codebase into Internet2’s GitHub Enterprise account to allow flexible developer collaboration and ease automation for deployments
Added Twitter Bootstrap semantics to the RA interface in preparation for future design/workflow changes
Added Docker containerization utilities in preparation for our own containerized deployment of the application
Provisioning changes will enable us to easily populate a staging version of the application with needed user accounts
Changes to the application infrastructure to integrate with our cloud-based continuous integration pipeline and staging environment
Integrated error messages in staging with Slack so developers and architects can quickly see issues that arise in that environment
Dependency updates
Performance improvements (elimination of duplicate database calls, etc.)
Earlier Releases
August 8, 2016
The IdP mdui:DisplayName IdPs can be edited. It's editable for existing IdPs or new IdPs after being saved.
November 20, 2015
Site Administrators can choose not to export their metadata to eduGAIN on February 15, 2016:
Similarly, Site Administrators and Delegated Administrators can choose to export their SP metadata to eduGAIN on February 15, 2016 (screen shot not shown here).
Requested Attributes in SP metadata can optionally carry the isRequired="true"
XML attribute:
Note: SAML1-formatted Requested Attributes are deprecated (and will be removed from SP metadata the next time the entity descriptor is touched). Only SAML2-formatted Requested Attributes are supported.
Site Administrators can choose to not be shown on discovery interfaces by default.
August 5, 2015
Fixed the bug showing the diff incorrectly on the metadata detail page.
November 11, 2014
Disabled entering the attribute values for the eduPersonScopedAffiliation. The free text input box won't appear even if "eduPersonScopedAffiliation" is selected from the pull down menu for the Requested Attributes.
June 23, 2014
The value of the <md:OrganizationDisplayName> element was copied to the <mdui:DisplayName> element in all IdP entity descriptors that do not contain an <mdui:DisplayName> element. (There were 110 such entity descriptors.) Moving forward, all IdPs in the InCommon Federation will be REQUIRED to have an <mdui:DisplayName> element in metadata. Eventually this field will be editable by site administrators and vetted for reasonableness by the InCommon RA.
June 24, 2013
- A delegated administrator is notified when their metadata is submitted by a site administrator.
- A delegated administrator can also be a site administrator (and vice versa).
- Updated the UI to remind the user that delegated administration is for SP metadata.
- Repaired broken links to the spaces wiki.
- Added the ability to remove a certificate with a 1024-bit key from the upload/staging area (there are no 1024-bit keys in metadata).
April 30, 2013
- SingleLogoutService endpoints can be added to SP metadata (see the SLO Endpoints wiki topic).
- A security contact can be added to metadata (see the Contacts in Metadata wiki topic).
- The number of certificates per SP entity is now limited to two (see the Certificate Migration wiki topic).
- The SHA-1 fingerprint of each certificate is displayed via the web interface.
- The
XML attribute on key descriptors (see the Key Usage wiki topic) may be manipulated during key migration in SP metadata (see screen shots below).
Before key migration step 2:
After key migration step 2:
After key migration step 5:
April 15, 2014
Added "Google Sign In" to the discovery interface for delegated administrators.
(This new feature is experimental and therefore has not been announced beyond this obscure note. If you want to try Google login to the delegated administration interface, drop us a line at admin at incommon dot org.)
April 9, 2013
- SingleLogoutService endpoints can be added to IdP metadata.
- The discovery interface for delegated administrators now uses the Shibboleth embedded DS.
- A notification email is sent to all site administrators when a site admin approves a metadata update request submitted by a delegated administrator.
January 28, 2013
Certificates in SP metadata no longer need to be uploaded to the system beforehand since they are now managed completely inline. Click the link "Service Provider Metadata Wizard" and then "Add a New Service Provider" to see the new interface.
File | Modified | |
PNG File federation manager site admin interface.png | Jul 28, 2017 by scottwoods@unitedid.org | |
PNG File edit_display_name.png | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File screen_2015_11_20_133436.png Metadata Export for IdPs | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File screenshot 2015-11-20 at 1.56.55 PM.png Requested Attributes | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File screen_2015_11_20_135422.png Hide From Discovery Category | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File attr_name_input_before.png | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File attr_value_input_after.png | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File sp-cert-migration-before-step-2.png | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File sp-cert-migration-after-step-2.png | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File sp-cert-migration-after-step-5.png | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File Screen Shot 2013-04-09 at 10.24.31 PM.png | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 3.04.27 PM.png | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File Screen Shot 2013-01-25 at 3.04.10 PM.png | Jul 28, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
PNG File sa-dashboard-1.png | Sep 14, 2017 by Nicole Roy | |
- No labels