Federation Manager v4.3.0 - Enhancements and Bug Fixes
Release Notes
- [IFMC-1283] - NoMethodError: undefined method `entities' for nil:NilClass
- [IFMC-1293] - ArgumentError: You are passing an instance of ActiveRecord::Base to `find`. Please pass the id of the object by ...
- [IFMC-1330] - NoMethodError: private method `binding' called for #<SingleLogout:0x00007f3e3d5360b0>
- [IFMC-1257] - Entity Attribute Post implementation Cleanup
- [IFMC-1292] - Review app TODO comments
- [IFMC-1294] - fix remaining pending specs
- [IFMC-1299] - remove final references to "tech contact" and tc
- [IFMC-1301] - Organization attribute readers
- [IFMC-1309] - Cert attribute accessors
- [IFMC-1311] - refactor Entity human_type
- [IFMC-1312] - replace Role.dup? with a validator
- [IFMC-1313] - Role activate and inactivate refactor
- [IFMC-1315] - combine views/[idps/sps]/forms/_contacts into one
- [IFMC-1323] - person specs
- [IFMC-1338] - Standardize "binding" to protocol_binding across models