When upgrading from Grouper v2.6 to another v2.6 container, this wiki will consolidate all the steps needed to perform that upgrade

Note, these are in reverse order, so go from bottom to top

DateUpgrading from versionUpgrading to VersionNote for versionImportanceJiraStep needed if...Description


If you use Oracle

If you have oracle, add this index if it is not already there:

CREATE INDEX member_eligible_idx ON grouper_members (subject_resolution_eligible);



If you use Grouper


If you use /run/secrets/grouper* filesThese files are no longer copied from /run/secrets to 

/opt/grouper/grouperWebapp/WEB-INF/classes so change configs to get passwords from /run/secrets.  Make sure the tomcat user has access to those files, maybe chgrp to root

2022/10/03ALLALL2.6.17Medium important


If you use Grouper

After all of your Grouper nodes (daemon, UI, WS) in an environment are updated to 2.6.17+,

  1. Disable the change log temp to change log daemon (or turn off daemon nodes)
  2. run the following 2 lines in GSH to sync up Group Sets in point in time data.  (make sure daemon is not running at same time)

    new SyncPITTables().processMissingInactivePITGroupSets();
    new SyncPITTables().processMissingActivePITGroupSets();
  3. If you don't have easy access to GSH, you can alternatively run the OTHER_JOB_syncAllPitTables daemon job once using the Grouper UI under Miscellaneous → Daemon jobs.   If you run this make sure #1 is still done
  4. Enable the change log temp to change log daemon (or turn on daemon nodes)
2022/09/22ALLALL2.6.16Medium important

If you chown or chmod in Dockerfile

The file owner is tomcat.root for files in image.  Might want to call this instead of chown/chmod

/opt/container_files/docker-build-bin/containerDockerfileInstallPermissions.sh tomcat root
2022/09/22ALLALL2.6.16Medium important


If you use WS OIDCReconfigure the OIDC external system.  Some settings were merged from
grouper.properties in other locations.  Ask Slack for details if you have issues

If you use GrouperDDL updates (Note: these are significant.  You need to stop all updates when starting the daemon and running the upgrade task daemon)


If you use GrouperThere is now a grouper.membership.allowSelfRead global setting in grouper.properties.  If you set it to true (default false), then any group a subject can VIEW, they can see if they are in the group or not (without reading other subject's memberships).  It is recommended to set this to true to make Grouper more intuitive unless if would be a security issue or would confuse users.


If you use GrouperDDL updates - add columns grouper_loader_log.job_message_clob and job_message_bytes
2022/07/26ALLALL2.6.14Not important


If you use Groupercsrfguard was upgraded significantly.  Click around and import and export and do any UI edge case tasks to make sure the csrf protection does not impede legitimate actions
2022/07/26ALLALL2.6.11Not important


You use rabbitmqCheck rabbitmq integration, the library was upgraded
2022/07/042.6.6ALL2.6.10Not important


You use OSGI (e.g. the new built in authn)

Add this to grouper.properties in config file or database:

# only enable osgi if you use it
# {valueType: "boolean", defaultValue: "false", order: 3000}
grouper.osgi.enable = true

If you use the Grouper provisioning frameworkSetup a meeting with someone on the Grouper team to step through upgrading your provisioner



If you have SSL anchor certs or client certs in the containerThere is a new experimental strategy for this, please see Jiras for details
If you use GSH templates have have folderShowType of certainFolder

Change config value from "certainFolder" to "certainFolders"
Change config value from "certainFolderAndDescendants" to "certainFoldersAndDescendants"
Change config value from "certainFolderAndOneChildLevel" to "certainFoldersAndOneChildLevel"

2022/03/02ALLALL2.6.8Not importantGRP-3883If you use templates and you do not store config in the database, and you use them in 2.6.5, 2.6.6, or 2.6.7 and you have this grouper.properties suffix configured "folderUuidsToShow"Change "folderUuidsToShow" to "folderUuidToShow"
2022/03/01ALLALL2.6.8ImportantGRP-3868If you use GrouperDDL updates - add grouper_prov_duo_user table
2022/03/01ALLALL2.6.8Medium importantGRP-3889If you have a SQL provisioner with provisioning frameworkLots of improvements to SQL provisioning.  Before upgrade I would export your SQL provisioner config.  Then upgrade, and go edit the config, and make sure it looks ok, and save.  Then compare the old and new and see if anything changed and adjust that.  Run the provisioner and make sure it works.
2022/02/26ALLALL2.6.7ImportantGRP-3864If you use Grouper

Run the OTHER_JOB_syncAllPitTables daemon
2022/02/25ALLv2.6.7.1+v2.6.7.1Medium importantGRP-3860If you customize logging with a log4j.properties overlay or additional properties

Either convert to log4j2.xml, or put additional loggers/appenders in /opt/grouper/grouperWebapp/WEB-INF/classes/log4j2.additionalLoggers.xml.txt / log4j2.additionalAppenders.xml.txt

<Logger name="edu.a.b.c" level="debug" additivity="false">
    <AppenderRef ref="grouper_error"/>
2022/02/18ALLALL2.6.7ImportantGRP-3832If you use GrouperRun the OTHER_JOB_upgradeTasks daemon, then run the OTHER_JOB_syncAllSetTables daemon
If you use GrouperDDL updates
2022/01/26ALLALL2.6.6Not important
If you have Grouper processes not run the standard way from container

We are not using the old log4j anymore, so you can pass this system variable to tell log4j2 to use the old properties style config

2022/01/02ALLALL2.6.6Not important




If you care about UI text changes

The term "More" has been changed in the UI to make things less confusing.  You can edit your configs to revert

Loader moved from "More tab" to "Group actions" menu

Group actions menu reorganized




If you use Grouper

Folder security has changed.  People will only see folders if they have a privilege on the folder or an object in the folder or subfolder.  If you don't want this set this in grouper.properties.  Note if you set this to true it should probably be temporary until you have worked out the issues.  Assign stemView privilege to folders so people see them if they don't see them based on privileges.  You could also add power users to a group who can see all folders.

# if all folders should be shown only if there is an object inside that the user can see (or a privilege on that folder).
# this has been re-coded and is the new setting.  The old setting "security.show.folders.where.user.can.see.subobjects" is not used anymore
# {valueType: "boolean", required: true}
security.folders.are.viewable.by.all = false

Remove this config from grouper.properties

If you use GrouperDDL updates
2021/10/23ALLv2.6.1+v2.6.1ImportantGRP-3670If you do not want users to use Grouper built-in self service web service credentials

you should configure in grouper.properties these on upgrade if you want to use this feature or if you want to control who can generate keys

# if public private key should be enabled
# {valueType: "boolean", defaultValue: "true"}
grouper.selfService.jwt.enable =
# if you fill in a group name here, then only members of this group can manage jwt private keys on the ui
# {valueType: "string"}
grouper.selfService.jwt.groupNameAllowedToManage =  
2021/10/21ALLv2.6.3v2.6.3Not importantGRP-3669If you use postgres or oracle, and you areon version v2.6.3 exactly (rare), and these cols are not nullable

run this for oracle:

ALTER TABLE grouper_password_recently_used MODIFY (jwt_jti null);
ALTER TABLE grouper_password_recently_used MODIFY (jwt_iat null);

run this for postgres:

ALTER TABLE grouper_password_recently_used ALTER COLUMN jwt_jti DROP NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE grouper_password_recently_used ALTER COLUMN jwt_iat DROP NOT NULL;

If you use GrouperDDL updates
2021/09/22ALLv2.6.*v2.6.0Medium important
You have auto-ddl set in the grouper config

In grouper.hibernate.properties bump up the auto-ddl version

registry.auto.ddl.upToVersion = 2.6.*

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